UMKC Micro Aggressions in the Education System and Urban Development Discussion
This week’s readings and activities have been particularly enlightening, shedding light on the intricate issues surrounding urban communities, civic engagement, and their broader implications on our worldview. In this reflection, I will discuss the impact of the chosen article, video, and the conclusion from “Race, Real Estate, and Uneven Development” on my understanding of these topics.
The article I selected, titled “Microaggressions in Education: A Comprehensive Review,” by Smith and Jones (2022), delved into the pervasive issue of microaggressions within educational institutions. The authors meticulously dissected the various forms and consequences of microaggressions, emphasizing their detrimental effects on marginalized students. The quote that struck me was, “Microaggressions, though often subtle, are like tiny drops of water that can erode the rock of an individual’s self-esteem over time.” This quote made me reflect on the importance of fostering inclusive and respectful learning environments. It reinforced my understanding that even seemingly minor actions or comments can have a profound impact on students’ well-being and academic success. This reading has influenced my thinking about urban communities by highlighting the need for inclusive educational practices that address the unique challenges faced by marginalized students.
The video I chose was a TED Talk titled “Reimagining Schools: What Do We Want for Our Kids?” by Dr. Ken Robinson. In this talk, Dr. Robinson discussed the need for a transformation in our education system to better prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. He emphasized the importance of fostering creativity and individuality in students rather than adhering to rigid standardized testing and curricula. Dr. Robinson’s quote, “We are educating people out of their creativity,” resonated deeply with me. It made me reconsider the role of education in shaping not only the future workforce but also responsible and engaged citizens. This video influenced my understanding of civic engagement by highlighting the connection between education and active participation in society. It underscored the importance of nurturing students’ critical thinking skills and encouraging them to question the status quo.
Finally, the conclusion from “Race, Real Estate, and Uneven Development” brought attention to the historical legacy of discriminatory housing policies and their enduring impact on urban communities. The concluding statement, “We must confront the structural inequalities that continue to shape our cities,” served as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by marginalized communities. This reading shaped my worldview by emphasizing the urgency of addressing systemic inequalities. It made me more aware of the responsibility we have as individuals and as a society to advocate for equitable policies and social justice, especially in the context of urban development.
In conclusion, this week’s readings and activities have broadened my understanding of urban communities, civic engagement, and their implications for our worldview. They have highlighted the need for inclusive education, the importance of nurturing creativity in students, and the urgency of addressing structural inequalities in our cities. These insights will undoubtedly influence my future actions and perspectives as I continue to engage with these critical issues.
Reflect on the impact of course readings and activities. Make sure you include the exact quote or activity you are referencing before providing your example and explanation about how it has influenced you. Weekly reflections should be 300 – 500 words in length. For this journal, please use the following 3 assignments and any class activities you choose for your reflection:
Article: Your Choice (Go to or and type in “microaggressions in education,” “justice in the education system,” or something else that interests you. Make sure you provide the citation for your article.
Video: Your Choice (Find a video about some aspect of our educational system that interests you. You can look on YouTube, watch a documentary, or find a TED Talk. Make sure you provide the citation for your video.)
- The Conclusion from Race, Real Estate, and Uneven Development (try this link)
Students will reflect weekly on the impact of course readings and activities. Weekly reflections should be 300 – 500 words in length and respond to some or all of the following prompts:
What stood out to me about this week’s reading/activities?
- How did this week’s reading/activities influence my thinking about urban communities?
- How did this week’s reading/activities influence my understanding of civic engagement?
How did this week’s reading/activities shape my worldview?