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UIDAHO Socialization and Group Dynamics

UIDAHO Socialization and Group Dynamics


Chapter 5: Socialization

  1. Anticipatory Socialization: The process through which individuals learn and prepare for future roles, often by emulating or adopting the values, beliefs, and behaviors associated with those roles.
  2. Degradation Ceremony: A ritual or process, often within institutions like prisons, designed to strip individuals of their former social identity and replace it with a new, often stigmatized identity.
  3. Hidden Curriculum: The unspoken and informal lessons learned in school and other social settings, which can include values, norms, and social expectations.
  4. Moral Development: The process through which individuals acquire their moral beliefs, values, and ethical principles, often influenced by cultural and social factors.
  5. Nature: The influence of genetics and biological factors on human development and behavior.
  6. Nurture: The influence of environmental and social factors on human development and behavior.
  7. Peer Group: A social group consisting of individuals of similar age and social status who interact with and influence one another.
  8. Resocialization: The process of unlearning and relearning new norms, values, and behaviors when an individual transitions into a new social context.
  9. Self: The individual’s perception of themselves, shaped by social interactions and self-reflection.
  10. Socialization: The lifelong process through which individuals acquire culture, values, beliefs, and behaviors of their society.

Chapter 6: Groups and Organizations

  1. Aggregate: A collection of individuals who happen to be in the same place at the same time but lack organization or a sense of belonging.
  2. Authoritarian Leader: A leader who makes decisions and gives orders with little or no input from group members.
  3. Bureaucracies: Complex, hierarchical organizations characterized by formal rules, division of labor, and impersonality.
  4. Category: People who share a common characteristic but do not necessarily interact or identify with one another.
  5. Democratic Leader: A leader who encourages group members to participate in decision-making and values their input.
  6. Explicit Rules: Clear, written guidelines and regulations within an organization.
  7. Expressive Leader: A leader who focuses on the emotional well-being and social cohesion of the group.
  8. Iron Law of Oligarchy: The theory that large organizations tend to be controlled by a small, elite group of individuals.
  9. Instrumental Leader: A leader who focuses on achieving group goals and tasks.
  10. Laissez-Faire Leader: A hands-off leader who provides little guidance or direction to group members.
  11. Conformity: The process of aligning one’s beliefs and behaviors with group norms and expectations.
  12. Group: A collection of individuals who interact with each other and share some sense of identity or belonging.
  13. In-Group: A group to which an individual belongs and identifies with.
  14. Out-Group: A group with which an individual does not identify and may perceive as different or even hostile.
  15. Reference Group: A group used for comparison and evaluation of one’s own beliefs and behaviors.
  16. Primary Group: A small, close-knit group characterized by emotional bonds and strong interpersonal relationships.
  17. Secondary Group: A larger, more formal group characterized by less emotional closeness and more instrumental relationships.
  18. Meritocracy: A social system in which individuals advance based on their abilities and achievements rather than social status or wealth.
  19. McDonaldization: The process of rationalization and efficiency associated with fast-food restaurants and applied to other aspects of society.
  20. Impersonality: The lack of personal connection or emotional involvement in bureaucratic interactions.
  21. Utilitarian Organizations: Organizations formed to achieve specific, practical goals, often with a focus on efficiency and productivity.

Chapter 7: Deviance and Social Control

  1. Conflict Theory: A sociological perspective that views society as characterized by inequality and social conflict, with deviance seen as a result of power struggles.
  2. Control Theory: A sociological perspective that focuses on the social bonds and relationships that inhibit individuals from deviant behavior.
  3. Corporate Crime: Illegal activities committed by large organizations or corporations.
  4. Corrections System: The institutions and processes responsible for the punishment, rehabilitation, and supervision of individuals who have committed crimes.
  5. Court: A legal institution responsible for the adjudication of disputes and the administration of justice.
  6. Crime: An act or behavior that violates societal norms or laws.
  7. Criminal Justice System: The network of agencies responsible for maintaining law and order and administering justice.
  8. Cultural Deviance Theory: A theory that links deviance to a specific culture’s values, norms, and subcultures.
  9. Deviance: Behavior, beliefs, or conditions that violate societal norms or laws.
  10. Differential Association Theory: A theory that suggests that individuals learn deviant behavior through their interactions with others who engage in deviance.
  11. Formal Sanctions: Official penalties or punishments for deviant behavior, typically administered by the state.
  12. Hate Crimes: Criminal acts committed against individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or other characteristics.
  13. Informal Sanctions: Unofficial, social responses to deviant behavior, such as ridicule, shunning, or social disapproval.
  14. Labeling Theory: A theory that focuses on how individuals and society label and respond to deviant behavior, which can lead to a deviant identity.
  15. Legal Codes: Written laws and regulations that define and prohibit specific acts as crimes.
  16. Master Status: The most important social position or identity that an individual holds, which can influence how others perceive and treat them.
  17. Negative Sanctions: Punishments or negative consequences for deviant behavior.
  18. Nonviolent Crimes: Crimes that do not involve physical harm to individuals or property, such as fraud or embezzlement.
  19. Police: Law enforcement officers responsible for maintaining order and enforcing laws.
  20. Positive Sanctions: Rewards or positive consequences for conforming behavior.
  21. Power Elite: A small, influential group of people who hold significant power and control over society.
  22. Primary Deviance: Initial and occasional acts of deviance that do not significantly impact an individual’s self-identity.
  23. Sanctions: Rewards or punishments used to encourage or discourage certain behaviors.
  24. Secondary Deviance: Ongoing and serious acts of deviance that become a central part of an individual’s identity and how they are perceived by others.
  25. Self-Report Study: A research method in which individuals are asked to disclose their own deviant behavior in surveys or interviews.
  26. Social Control: The mechanisms and strategies used by society to regulate and control behavior.
  27. Social Disorganization Theory: A theory that attributes high rates of deviance to the breakdown of social institutions and community bonds.
  28. Social Order: The arrangement and stability of social life, often achieved through shared norms and values.
  29. **Strain Theory

UIDAHO Socialization and Group Dynamics






Key Terms Chapter #5 SOCIALIZATION. Please create a word, pdf, rtf or power point including ALL vocabulary words and definitions to better help you understand basic concepts of the chapter. ALL terms can be found in your textbook, PP OR SociologyDictionary.org Links to an external site. .Links to an external site.

Anticipatory Socialization

Degradation Ceremony

Hidden Curriculum

Moral Development



Peer Group





Key Terms Chapter #6 GROUPS and ORGANIZATIONS. Please create a word, pdf, rtf or power point including ALL vocabulary words and definitions to better help you understand basic concepts of the chapter. ALL terms can be found in your textbook, PP OR SociologyDictionary.org Links to an external site. .Links to an external site.


Authoritarian Leader



Democratic Leader

Explicit Rules

Expressive Leader

Iron Law of Oligarchy

Instrumental Leader

Laissez-Faire Leader





Reference Group

Primary Group

Secondary Group




Utilitarian Organizations


Key Terms Chapter #7 DEVIANCE and SOCIAL CONTROL. Please create a word, pdf, rtf or power point including ALL vocabulary words and definitions to better help you understand basic concepts of the chapter. ALL terms can be found in your textbook, PP OR SociologyDictionary.org Links to an external site. .Links to an external site.

conflict theory
control theory
corporate crime
corrections system
criminal justice system
cultural deviance theory
differential association theory
formal sanctions
hate crimes
informal sanctions
labeling theory
legal codes
master status
negative sanctions
nonviolent crimes
positive sanctions
power elite
primary deviance
secondary deviance
self-report study
social control
social disorganization theory
social order
strain theory
street crime
victimless crime
violent crimes


Key Terms Chapter #8 MEDIA and TECHNOLOGY. Please create a word, pdf, rtf or power point including ALL vocabulary words and definitions to better help you understand basic concepts of the chapter. ALL terms can be found in your textbook, PP OR SociologyDictionary.org Links to an external site..


Design Patents

Digital Divide


Evolutionary Model of technological change


Knowledge Gap

Media Globalization



New Media

Panoptic Surveillance

Planned obsolescence

Plant Patents

Technological Diffusion



Utility Patents

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