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UBC reflection on social justice

UBC reflection on social justice


Topic 1: Four Social Justice Principles In the realm of social justice, there are four fundamental principles that serve as guiding lights for understanding and achieving a fair and just society.

  1. Human Rights: Human rights are the basic entitlements and freedoms that every individual is inherently entitled to, regardless of their race, gender, nationality, or any other characteristic. Learning about human rights is crucial for social justice because it emphasizes the importance of treating every person with dignity and respect.
  2. Access: Access refers to the ability of individuals to reach and benefit from the resources, opportunities, and services available in a society. In the context of social justice, ensuring equitable access is vital because it helps level the playing field for marginalized groups, allowing them to fully participate in society.
  3. Participation: Participation involves giving individuals a voice in decisions that affect their lives. Social justice promotes active involvement from all members of society, including those who are often marginalized or silenced. This principle underscores the idea that everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to and shape the policies and practices that impact them.
  4. Equity: Equity differs from equality in that it acknowledges and addresses the diverse needs and circumstances of individuals. While equality aims to treat everyone the same, equity recognizes that some people may need more support or resources to achieve the same outcomes. Understanding equity is crucial for social justice, as it strives to rectify historical and systemic disparities.

Learning about these principles has increased my knowledge of social justice by providing a framework for evaluating and advocating for fairness and equality in society. They serve as a compass for identifying areas where injustice exists and for developing strategies to address those issues effectively.

Topic 2: Equity vs. Equality – What’s the Difference? Equity and equality are two concepts often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings in the context of social justice.

Equality is the idea of treating everyone the same, providing identical resources, opportunities, and support to all individuals regardless of their circumstances. While equality is important, it may not always result in fairness because people have different needs and starting points.

Equity, on the other hand, focuses on fairness and justice. It acknowledges that people have different needs and may require different levels of support to achieve the same outcome. Equity aims to level the playing field by providing resources and opportunities proportionate to an individual’s needs, thereby ensuring that everyone has an equal chance at success.

Learning about the difference between equity and equality has deepened my understanding of social justice by highlighting the importance of addressing systemic inequalities and providing tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. It underscores the idea that true fairness often requires unequal treatment to achieve equality of opportunity and outcomes.

Topic 3: Types of Power Power is a central concept in the study of social justice, and understanding its various forms is essential to navigating the dynamics of inequality and oppression.

1. Structural Power: This form of power is rooted in the structures and institutions of society, such as government, corporations, and educational systems. Structural power can perpetuate inequalities when these systems are designed to benefit certain groups while marginalizing others.

2. Institutional Power: Institutional power is the authority and influence held by specific organizations or institutions. It can shape policies, norms, and practices, often reflecting the interests of those in power. Recognizing institutional power helps us understand how decisions are made and how they impact different groups in society.

3. Personal Power: Personal power refers to an individual’s ability to influence others or make decisions. It can be based on factors such as wealth, social status, or charisma. Acknowledging personal power is crucial for understanding privilege and recognizing the responsibilities that come with it.

4. Cultural Power: Cultural power relates to the influence of cultural norms, values, and narratives in shaping society. It includes the power to define what is considered normal or acceptable, which can reinforce or challenge existing inequalities.

Learning about these types of power has expanded my knowledge of social justice by highlighting the multifaceted nature of power dynamics in society. It underscores the importance of critically analyzing how power operates in various contexts and how it can be harnessed for positive social change, ultimately contributing to a more just and equitable world.

UBC reflection on social justice





Choose 3 concepts, ideas and/or vocabulary words that you learned about in Module 1, and explain them as if to someone who knows nothing about the topic. Explain how this learning increased your knowledge of social justice. A short paragraph per topic is expected O You can also add images and attachments if that will assist your explanations.

Topic 1)

Four Social Justice Principles

These four principles help define social justice:

  • Human rights
  • Access
  • Participation
  • Equity.


Equity vs. Equality – What’s the Difference?

Topic 3)

Types of Power

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