TV Couple Marital Power.
1. Egalitarian: In an egalitarian marriage, power and decision-making are shared equally between partners. In the case of Claire and Phil Dunphy, they often exhibit egalitarian traits. They both have a say in family decisions, and their parenting roles are fairly balanced. For example, they take turns disciplining and supporting their children, and both work outside the home, contributing to the family income. They also consult each other on important family matters and try to reach a consensus before making decisions.
2. Male Dominant: In a male-dominant marriage, the husband typically holds more power and control over decision-making. This pattern is not evident in Claire and Phil’s relationship. While Phil may sometimes display humorous and quirky behavior, he doesn’t hold dominant power over Claire. Claire is a strong-willed character, and she often challenges Phil’s ideas and decisions when necessary. This dynamic aligns more with an egalitarian pattern.
3. Female Dominant: In a female-dominant marriage, the wife holds more power and control over decision-making. Again, this pattern doesn’t apply to Claire and Phil’s relationship. While Claire is assertive and takes charge in some situations, she doesn’t consistently dominate Phil. They both have a voice in their family matters, and Claire respects Phil’s opinions and decisions.
4. Anarchic: An anarchic marriage is characterized by a lack of clear power structure and chaos in decision-making. This pattern doesn’t fit Claire and Phil’s relationship either. While they may face some humorous and chaotic situations due to their unique personalities and parenting styles, they ultimately collaborate and communicate to resolve issues and make decisions as a team.
In summary, Claire and Phil Dunphy from “Modern Family” primarily exhibit an egalitarian marital power pattern. They share decision-making and parenting responsibilities, and there is a sense of equality and partnership in their relationship, even though they have their quirks and comedic moments.
Question Description
I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance.
Please identify a married couple from a popular television show, and apply the four marital power patterns (egalitarian, male dominant, female dominant, and anarchic) to this relationship. Choose which power pattern you believe the actors are displaying and give examples as to why. There are many different forums in which to examine this, cable, satellite, netflix, hulu, youtube, etc.