The University of Nairobi UoN html Document Paper
It is really easy to create an HTML document with the desired features. An example assignment2.html document that satisfies your requirements is shown below:
html <!DOCTYPE html> Copy code
<html lang=”en”><head> meta charset=”UTF-8″> \meta name=”viewport” Websites pertaining to Protected Areas Issues<title> }style>
body {} text-align: center; background-color: #f5f5f5; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
h3. { background-color: #0073e6; color: white; padding: 10px; }
p { margin: 20px;
A ul with the following properties: list-style-type: none, padding: 0, }
li { margin: 10px 0;
a { text-decoration: none; color: #0073e6;
The footer has the following properties: position: absolute, bottom: 0; width: 100%; background-colour: #0073e6; colour: white; padding: 10px;
Websites pertaining to Protected Areas Issues <h3>References</h3>
<img alt=”Banner Image” src=”banner-image.jpg”>
Protected areas, often called conservation areas, are essential for maintaining biodiversity and our natural environment. They are vital to the survival of many plant and animal species and the preservation of ecological equilibrium.<p>~
(p)It is critical to comprehend the significance of these protected places in the modern world, when environmental problems are paramount. Visit the following websites to gain additional knowledge about protected area strategies and related issues:<p>~
<ul> a href=””>Website 1</a></li> a href=””>Website 2</a></li> a href=””>Internet Page 3</a></li> <a href=””>Internet Page 4</a></li> <a href=””>Internet Page 5</a></li> <a href=””>Internet Page 6</a></li> </ul>
<footer> Ahmed Mohammed (Student ID: 301344590) 2023 | Assignment 2 | Thanks to the websites that provided the information and photographs.
</body> </footer> </html>
Please adjust the placeholder URLs (“”, etc.) with the real URLs of the websites you wish to link to, and replace “banner-image.jpg” with the actual URL or file path of your banner image.
After saving this code to a file called assignment2.html, you should have a simple webpage containing the listed features.
Research the topic of protected areas (conservation areas) around the world and create a webpage about this topic. (
Create an HTML document called assignment2.html that has the following features (80% of mark):
has a title (e.g. “Websites about Protected Areas Issues”) in H3 and a related image to create a banner at the top of the screen.
has an introductory paragraph on the topic and its importance in today’s world.
displays a bulleted list of 6 hyperlinks to websites covering related issues and strategies. Make sure that each hyperlink listed is functional and it displays the chosen page of the selected website.
enhances the look of the web page with a background color.
- uses the Verdana (or another Sans Serif) font for the entire page.
- includes in your document an HTML comment (embedded in your HTML code) showing your name and student number (name: Ahmed Mohammed, student number: 301344590).
- has a copyright line at the bottom of the page with your student info, assignment info, and credits to the websites from which you acquired pictures and information for your assignment.
centers the content of the web page in the browser window.