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The Primary Purpose of The Document and Authorization Questions

The Primary Purpose of The Document and Authorization Questions


Question 1: Evaluating a Technical Document


To: Lauren Martinez, Assistant Conservation Officer From: [Your Name] Date: [Date]

Subject: Potential Evaluators and Guidelines for Document Evaluation

I have carefully considered the goals of our study and the purpose of the document in question. The document aims to guide and encourage homeowners in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to adopt drought-tolerant landscapes. The primary audience for the document consists of homeowners, garden enthusiasts, and individuals interested in water conservation practices.

Considering the diverse nature of the target audience and the goals of the study, I recommend the following types of evaluators:

  1. Homeowners: Homeowners are the primary target audience, and their feedback is crucial to understanding the document’s effectiveness in conveying information to them.
  2. Professional Gardeners: Professional gardeners possess relevant expertise and can provide insights into the document’s technical accuracy and practicality.
  3. Conservation Experts: Conservation experts can evaluate the document’s alignment with water-saving principles and recommend improvements from a sustainability perspective.
  4. Graphic Designers/User Interface (UI) Experts: Given the potential conversion of the document into a website, UI experts can evaluate its digital user-friendliness, readability, and overall presentation.
  5. Educational Professionals: Including educators can help assess the document’s educational value and its potential to be used in schools or workshops.

In order to evaluate the document effectively, I suggest the following guidelines for the evaluators:

  1. Clarity of Message: Evaluate how clearly the document communicates the importance of drought-tolerant landscapes and the steps to achieve them.
  2. Readability: Assess the readability of the document’s language, ensuring that it is accessible and understandable for the intended audience.
  3. Visual Presentation: Evaluate the use of visual elements (if any) to enhance the understanding of the content and maintain the audience’s engagement.
  4. Actionability: Determine whether the document provides actionable steps and practical advice that homeowners can implement.
  5. Credibility: Evaluate the document’s credibility by assessing the accuracy of information provided and whether sources are cited where necessary.
  6. User Engagement: Examine whether the document encourages active engagement and prompts readers to explore further resources.
  7. Format Adaptability: Consider how well the document can be adapted for both print and digital formats, including potential website conversion.
  8. Inclusivity: Assess the document’s inclusivity and whether it addresses diverse gardening preferences and cultural considerations.
  9. Measuring Success: Develop a way to measure the document’s success in encouraging the adoption of drought-tolerant landscapes, such as tracking the number of website visits or user feedback.
  10. Feedback Mechanism: Include a feedback mechanism within the document, allowing users to provide comments or suggestions for improvement.

These guidelines will enable the evaluators to comprehensively assess the document’s effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Please let me know if you require further information or assistance.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Question 2: Textual Fairy Tale Design

For the textual portrayal of the emotional content of the Cinderella fairy tale, consider using a mix of fonts, text sizes, and text colors to evoke different emotions and moods throughout the story. Here’s how you could design the text document:

  1. Introduction:
    • Use an elegant and slightly embellished font (e.g., “Edwardian Script” or “Great Vibes”) for the title “Cinderella.”
    • Choose a rich and deep color (e.g., royal blue or deep purple) for the title to signify the enchantment and magic of the story.
  2. Narrative Text:
    • Use a classic serif font (e.g., “Times New Roman” or “Georgia”) for the main narrative text to evoke a traditional and timeless feel.
    • Opt for black text color for readability and neutrality.
  3. Dialogue:
    • Differentiate dialogue using a slightly different font (e.g., “Palatino Linotype” or “Book Antiqua”) from the narrative text.
    • Use quotation marks and italics to set dialogue apart and add emphasis.
  4. Emotional Highlights:
    • When describing emotional moments (e.g., Cinderella’s sadness), use a softer font (e.g., “Lucida Handwriting” or “Bradley Hand”) to evoke a more personal and emotional tone.
    • Experiment with text size, making emotional passages slightly larger to draw attention.
  5. Transformation:
    • As Cinderella’s transformation occurs, transition to a whimsical and slightly playful font (e.g., “Lobster” or “Dancing Script”) to signify her change in fortune.
    • Shift to a brighter color (e.g., rose pink or light gold) for a sense of hope and joy.
  6. Climax and Resolution:
    • For the climax of the story, use bold text in a larger size to create tension and anticipation.
    • As the resolution unfolds, revert to the original font and size, maintaining consistency with the beginning.
  7. Conclusion:
    • Return to the elegant font used for the title but in a smaller size for the closing lines.
    • Recreate the enchanting color for the final words, leaving readers with a sense of wonder.

Remember that the design should enhance the emotional experience of the reader without distracting from the text’s readability. Experiment with fonts, sizes, and colors to find the right balance that brings the story’s emotions to life.

The Primary Purpose of The Document and Authorization Questions



Question 1 :



You are a Landscape Architecture major, working part-time for the city water-conservation office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Your supervisor is Lauren Martinez, assistant conservation officer. You know from working in the office for over six months that water is scarce in this part of the country, and that lawn irrigation is a major concern of the water-conservation office.

“We are trying our best to get through to homeowners,” Lauren tells you, “but they just keep planting lawns and gardens that require too much water for this desert climate.”

“How are you trying to convince them?”

“We came out with this guide a while back.” Lauren hands you a booklet (Document 13.1). “At the time, we printed hundreds of these and gave them away in local garden stores, but with recent cutbacks, we can’t afford to print them anymore. We are now just linking to the booklet from the home page of the city’s website.”

“Seems like a great resource. Does it work?” you ask.

“That’s the problem,” Lauren says. “We don’t know. And that’s why I need your help. We’ve recently been given a small budget to get this document evaluated. We want to make sure it’s doing what we need it to do, now that it is online only. Once we have it evaluated, we’ll make the necessary improvements.”

“Great idea. What do you need me to do?”

“I want you to come up with a list of five evaluators—people who would be good reviewers of the document. I don’t need actual names, just types of people who would give us a good mix of evaluations.”

“Sure,” you say.

“I also want you to come up with a list of guidelines that the evaluators should consider as they examine the document. You know what our goals are.”

“To get people to plant drought-tolerant landscapes.”

“Right. We want this document to help them do just that, in the most user-friendly way possible.”

“So, are we converting the PDF booklet into a website?”

“If that’s what the evaluators recommend, then that’s what we’ll do.”

Source: The City of Albuquerque, Water Conservation Office: http://www.ose.state.nm.us/Pub/Brochures/htx_lo_res.pdf.


1. Consider the goals of this study. What is the purpose of the document and who is the primary audience for it? Answering these questions will help you come up with a list of potential evaluators for the document. Present this list, along with your reasoning, in a memo to Lauren Martinez.

2. Study Document 13.1, and return to the advice for establishing evaluation guidelines (see Establishing Evaluation Guidelines). What are the main aspects of this document that you think should be evaluated? What do you want users to be able to achieve, and how can you find out whether the document is doing what it is supposed to do? Create a set of between 8 and 10 guidelines for your evaluators to consider as they examine the document.


1. How did you determine how to target your evaluators? Did you consider homeowners? Professional gardeners? Conservation experts?

2. How did you determine the potential problems with the document? Did the categories of usability problems listed in the text help you create guidelines? Which categories were most and least relevant? Why?

Question 2:

Textual Fairy Tale:

Design a document (no illustrations/photos!) which successfully portrays the emotional content of the story of Cindrella. Think about elements like fonts, text size, text color, etc.

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