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TCMHP Program Assessment & Design.

TCMHP Program Assessment & Design.


Part 1: Community Assessment

Program Name: Texas Child Mental Health Program (TCMHP)

Program Overview: The Texas Child Mental Health Program (TCMHP) is a state-funded program aimed at addressing the mental health needs of children and adolescents in Texas. TCMHP was established to provide mental health services and support to children and their families who are facing various mental health challenges. The program operates through a network of local mental health authorities and community-based organizations.

Program Creation and History: TCMHP was created by the Texas legislature to address the growing concern of mental health issues among children and youth in the state. It has a history dating back to the early 1990s when it was originally designed to improve access to mental health services for children in need. Over the years, the program has evolved to better serve the diverse needs of Texas communities.

Overall Problem and Targeted Population: The overall problem addressed by TCMHP is the prevalence of mental health issues among children and adolescents in Texas. The program provides a wide range of mental health services, including assessment, counseling, therapy, crisis intervention, and support services, to children and their families. TCMHP primarily serves children and youth up to the age of 18 who are experiencing mental health challenges, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders, and trauma.

Stakeholders: The stakeholders involved in TCMHP include:

  1. Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS): The state agency responsible for overseeing and funding the program.
  2. Local Mental Health Authorities (LMHAs): These are regional entities that manage and deliver mental health services at the local level.
  3. Community-Based Organizations (CBOs): These organizations partner with LMHAs to provide specialized services and support.
  4. Children and Their Families: The primary beneficiaries of the program.
  5. Mental Health Professionals: Including therapists, counselors, and psychiatrists.
  6. Advocacy Groups: Organizations advocating for the mental health needs of children and youth.

Effectiveness and Outcome: The effectiveness of TCMHP is assessed through various data sources, including outcome measures, client feedback, and surveys. Outcome data shows improvements in children’s mental health, reduced hospitalizations, and decreased emergency room visits among program participants. The program has contributed to improved school performance and overall well-being of children and youth.

Part 2: Program Design – Program Section

Vision, Mission, and Goals: The vision of TCMHP is to create a Texas where all children and adolescents have access to high-quality mental health services and support, leading to improved well-being and brighter futures. The mission is to provide comprehensive, evidence-based mental health services and support to children and their families, ensuring their emotional and psychological well-being.

The goals of TCMHP align with its mission and include improving access to mental health services, reducing stigma, increasing awareness, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

Program Description and Objectives: The program description of TCMHP is detailed and easy to understand. It includes information about the range of services provided, the locations of service delivery, operating hours, and the estimated number of children served annually.

Stakeholders are actively involved in the development of program objectives, ensuring that they are realistic and aligned with the program’s mission. Objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) and lead to the achievement of the program’s overarching goals.

Organizational Make-Up: TCMHP operates with a collaborative approach involving multiple stakeholders, including the Texas Department of State Health Services, LMHAs, CBOs, and mental health professionals. An organizational chart is available, illustrating the program’s structure, committees, and key personnel.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths of TCMHP include its extensive network of service providers, evidence-based practices, and strong collaboration among stakeholders. However, weaknesses may include the need for increased funding to expand services to meet the growing demand for child mental health support.

In conclusion, the Texas Child Mental Health Program (TCMHP) plays a crucial role in addressing the mental health needs of children and adolescents in Texas. Through a well-structured program design and a strong commitment to its vision and mission, TCMHP aims to improve the lives of young Texans and their families by providing essential mental health services and support.

TCMHP Program Assessment & Design.





Condition of concern: Children’s Mental Health

Find a program in Texas to evaluate and use this program for both parts of the assignment.

Part 1: Community Assessment


In a paper discuss the following (direct content; rubric above lists specific criteria to discuss):

The program you are evaluating (state the name) and who or how was the program created? Give a very brief summary and history of the program (provide a link to the website if applicable and cite).

What is the overall problem? What are the services the program provides?

What is the need for the program? Why does the program exist? Who does the program serve (targeted population)?

Who are the stakeholders?

Is the program effective? How (supporting data)?

What is the outcome?

Remember APA and cite any sources used.


Defines a condition of concern in terms of outcomes (vs. problems or services)

States who defines condition as a problem, why, resulting problems, etc…

Discuss stakeholders and their drive and/or ability for change

Gives the demographics of the client/target (what does the community with the problem look like?)

Gives the history and causes of the condition and any trends

Gives evidence that the target experiences the condition/problems (baseline data, trend data, other relevant data)

Presents best practices and model programs (if they exist) to address the condition and describes the evidence that these programs are successful

Presents existing services (agencies, location, program/services, number served, trend data as needed, etc…)

Discuss the effectiveness of the current delivery system in order to identify strengths and needs

Compares current services to model programs, continuum of care, best practices, etc… in order to identify strengths and needs

Capacities summarized from assessment and build on strengths of individuals,  associations, applicant, agency, community, clients

Needs summarized from assessment and are based in outcome rather than services (outputs)

Presents the barriers identified by the assessment (language, culture, transportation, etc…)

Well referenced (sources of all facts provided, references to texts, readings, APA format used, etc…) Overall quality (solution not mentioned at this time, assessment time only!)

Part 2 – Program Design – Program Section


In a 1-2 page paper discuss the following (direct content; rubric above lists specific criteria to discuss):

The program vision, mission, and goals.  Are these clearly stated and easily found/identified? Does it align with the services and target population?

Is the program description and objectives clear and easy to read? How are the stakeholders involved?

Do the goals align with program outcomes?

What is the organizational make-up? Board/Committees/Staff? Org chart present?

What are the strengths and weakness (areas for improvement)?

Remember APA and cite any sources used.


Vision (people and system) and mission clear, outcome focused, and provide guidance to program design

Vision presents the state of people and the system when the program has been successfully implemented

Mission gives a concise statement of overall purpose of the program/agency

Program description is thorough and easy to understand (services, location, hours, # served, etc…)

Shows how stakeholders are involved and have input into project/program decisions

Logic Model presents rationales from condition to impact and how components are tied together

Discuss the roles and composition of relevant boards and committees, staff

Includes organization chart showing programs as necessary, committees,

The goals identify major endeavors or components of the overall program in terms of outcomes

Objectives begin with a verb and provides a good overall description of the proposed program

All objectives are action oriented, specific, realistic, measurable, time-limited and lead to a goal of achievement

SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound)

Outcome objectives build on capacities and achieving the outcome objective will reduce the need

Process objectives specify what must happen in various components of the program to achieve the outcomes in the outcome objectives

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