SDSU Political Science the England Civil War Question
What would you say about the atmosphere in general during the Putney Debates?
Explanation: In 1647, several debates occurred at St. Mary’s Church in Putney, England. Political and military figures, including Levellers and soldiers of the New Model Army, assembled for these talks during the English Civil War to consider the country’s future and its government.
You must evaluate the discussion narratives and transcripts available on pages 61–118 of the book “The Levellers, The Putney Debates” to respond to this question. Look for details, quotations, and any other context that will help you grasp the mood of these talks. Think about things like the participants’ attitudes and emotions, the discussions’ intensity, the debates’ tone, and any recurring themes.
It is accurate to say that the general energy during the Putney Debates is heated, emotional, and intellectually intense. The ardent yearning for political and social change that permeated the conversations reflected the members’ transformative beliefs and the turbulent setting of the English Civil War.
The attendees’ sense of urgency and resolve during the debates could be felt. The participants, including military officers, Levellers, and other political intellectuals, got into contentious arguments concerning representation, governance, and rights. As several factions outlined their plans for the country’s future, the atmosphere was intellectual rigor.
The discussions were not without conflict, as several points of view clashed. While some participants had more traditional or hierarchical ideas, The Levellers promoted ideals like equality and universal suffrage. These opposing philosophies influenced a climate of ideological conflict.
The discussions also took place as England’s power structure was changing and in the wake of great military successes. This setting undoubtedly contributed to the tense mood as attendees debated how the country should be run in light of the current situation.
In conclusion, there was a strong sense of historical significance, intense intellectual debate, and passionate conversation at the Putney Debates. A contentious and forward-looking mood resulted from the participants’ strong convictions and the moment’s urgency, reflecting the complicated dynamics of a country undergoing a profound transition.
Question Description
I’m working on a political science writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Select ONE of the following questions. Write a reflection. Pages 61-118.
Book: The Levellers, The Putney Debates (Verso; introduction by Geoffrey Robertson)
ISBN: 9781788731416
select one question from below.
1) How would you characterize the general atmosphere at the Putney Debates?
2) Why did the Levellers bring up for discussion and vote the “Agreement of the People” instead of “The Case of the Army Truly Stated”? What seems to be Cromwell’s attitude toward this proposal, and are there reasons to believe his real attitude might have been different than what transpired at the Putney Debates?
3) What is Ireton’s most fundamental objection to the Levellers’ proposal for universal suffrage? In addition, why does he repeatedly conjure up the image of foreigners on English soil?