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Roles and Factors Which Lead to Female Criminality Discussion

Roles and Factors Which Lead to Female Criminality Discussion


  1. Selective Enforcement in Corporate vs. Individual Cases: Selective enforcement plays a significant role in the scenarios involving corporate fines and individual criminal charges. In the case of corporations, there is often a lack of rigorous prosecution for white-collar crimes due to regulatory agencies’ reluctance to pursue such cases. The FBI’s prioritization of other types of crimes and the formidable legal resources of corporations also contribute to this leniency. This results in corporations negotiating settlements and receiving tax breaks rather than facing imprisonment.

    On the other hand, individuals who lack privilege and connections are more likely to be formally charged with crimes such as grand larceny. They may not have the resources to negotiate lenient settlements or avoid prison sentences, leading to a stark contrast in the treatment of corporate and individual offenders.

  2. Reasons for Inadequate Prosecution of Corporate Crimes:
    • Regulatory Capture: Regulatory agencies tasked with overseeing corporate behavior may become influenced or controlled by the industries they are supposed to regulate, leading to lax enforcement.
    • Political Influence: Corporations often wield significant political power through campaign contributions and lobbying efforts, influencing lawmakers and law enforcement agencies.
    • Complexity of Cases: White-collar crimes can be intricate and require substantial resources to investigate and prosecute, discouraging law enforcement agencies from pursuing them vigorously.
    • Settlement Culture: Corporations often settle cases out of court, avoiding lengthy and expensive trials and negotiating penalties that may not be commensurate with the harm caused.
  3. Intersection of Class, Race, and Gender in Criminal Identification: The intersection of class, race, and gender can profoundly affect how individuals are identified as criminals. Here are some examples:
    • Racial Profiling: Minority communities, particularly Black and Latino individuals, are disproportionately targeted by law enforcement for certain crimes, leading to a higher likelihood of identification and arrest.
    • Socioeconomic Status: Individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may engage in crimes of necessity, such as theft, due to economic hardships, leading to their identification as offenders.
    • Gender Roles: Traditional gender roles can shape criminal identification. For example, women may be more likely to be identified and arrested for certain types of crimes, while men may face different expectations.

    These intersections can result in biased identification, arrest, and sentencing practices, contributing to disparities in the criminal justice system.

  4. Restorative Justice Concept and Aims: Restorative justice is a concept aimed at repairing harm caused by criminal behavior and promoting healing and reconciliation. Its overall aims are:
    • Victim Empowerment: To give victims a voice and agency in the justice process, allowing them to express their needs and feelings.
    • Offender Accountability: To hold offenders responsible for their actions and encourage them to make amends.
    • Community Healing: To restore trust and cohesion within the community affected by the crime.

    Restorative justice benefits:

    • Victims: They have a say in the process, receive apologies and restitution, and may experience emotional closure.
    • Offenders: They have a chance to make amends, learn from their actions, and reintegrate into society.
    • Overall Program: It can reduce recidivism and promote a more holistic approach to justice.

    Restorative justice has the potential to contribute to reducing mass incarceration by focusing on rehabilitation and community healing rather than punitive measures.

  5. Moral Panic and Impact on Criminal Justice Policy:
    • Impact: Moral panics can lead to the adoption of harsh and punitive criminal justice policies driven by fear and public hysteria. These policies may result in increased arrests, longer sentences, and the allocation of resources towards addressing perceived threats.
    • Current Examples: In the contemporary context, issues such as drug epidemics, immigration, and terrorism have sparked moral panics and influenced criminal justice policies. For instance, the “War on Drugs” led to harsh drug sentencing laws, while concerns about terrorism have resulted in surveillance and profiling measures.
    • Overall Results: Moral panics often exaggerate the threat and may not align with actual crime trends. These policies can lead to overcriminalization and disproportionately affect marginalized communities without necessarily achieving the intended security outcomes.

Roles and Factors Which Lead to Female Criminality Discussion




This chapter examines the ways in which law and lawmaking are shaped by race, class and gender.

The foundation of this chapter is that criminal law is not a ”natural” or objective” reflection of harm but the result of a political process where money and privilege matter.

Feds criminally charge pharma distributor for role in opioid epidemic .pdf

  1. How $80 Billion in Corporate Fines Can Become $48 Billion in Tax Breaks FRONTLINE PBS Official.pdf

The first article discusses the Federal government federally charging a pharmaceutical company with its role in the opioid epidemic. Secondly, the next article discuss how a corporation is able to turn a 80 billion fine into a 48 billion dollar tax break.

However, individuals who do not have the means, privilege, and connections are formally charged with committing grand larceny, are sentenced to prison, and are made to pay restitution for their crimes. How do selective enforcement play a role in the two scenarios? (refer to notes listed under Chapter 8 in regards to selective enforcement) 

Please remember to respond to (1) students post to receive full credit

During our last discussion, we discussed how a corporation can turn a 80 billion dollar fine to a 48 billion dollar tax break.

According to the text, with elite deviance hardly anyone goes to prison. This can be due to several reasons:  First, most state regulators and prosecution unwillingness to go after white-collared crimes. Second, the FBI do not make white-collared and corporation crimes a priority. Lastly, corporate resources result in substantial legal talent and array of tactics that help force settlements.

After reading chapter 9, please answer the following:

1. What are some of the reasons for inadequate prosecution of corporate or executive crimes?

2. How has the identification of criminals been affected by the intersections of at least two of any combination of the three variables: class, race and gender? Please provide examples.

Please remember to respond to (1) students post to receive full credit

For our final discussion, we will discuss the concept behind Restorative Justice. This concept was initially aimed to help find alternatives to juvenile crime. Currently, this concept of criminal justice reform is aimed to rehabilitate offenders who demonstrate positive signs of not recidivating.

In addition to reading the text, review the following project called: Insight Prison Project which provides details of its restorative justice program for inmates.


Additionally, review the following video which is a restorative justice program for inner city youths in Oakland, California:

Upon review, discuss the following:

What is the concept behind Restorative Justice? What is the overall aim behind the program? Breakdown how do each element benefit from the program: The victim, The offender, The overall program. Lastly, do you see restorative justice as a means to end mass incarceration? 

We are stepping away from the textbook and discussing Moral Panic and the theme behind the Super Predator Scare. Did the scare live up to the hype? Please review the following video:


1. Discuss the idea and impact of moral panics on criminal justice policy.  2. Are there any areas of current criminal justice discussion that might be considered a moral panic today?  Be specific in your explanation.  ( articles to discuss this portion of the weekly discussion is located on side panel, labled as “Moral Panic/Mass incarceration”

3. Additionally, what was the overall results? Did the suspected scare live up to the crime trend as predicted?

Please remember to respond to (1) student’s post in order to receive full credit 

we will discuss the concept behind Restorative Justice. This concept was initially aimed to help find alternatives to juvenile crime. Currently, this concept of criminal justice reform is aimed to rehabilitate offenders who demonstrate positive signs of not recidivating.

  1. In addition to reading the text, review the following project called: Insight Prison Project which provides details of its restorative justice program for inmates.


Additionally, review the following video which is a restorative justice program for inner city youths in Oakland, California:

Upon review, discuss the following:

What is the concept behind Restorative Justice? What is the overall aim behind the program? Breakdown how do each element benefit from the program: The victim, The offender, The overall program. Lastly, do you see restorative justice as a means to end mass incarceration? 


The paper must be at least 7 pages in length (not including cover page and reference page) Double-Spaced, typed in Times Roman font. Paper must follow APA format. 

The term paper should consist of the following:

1. Part 1 ( Your introduction and literature review) this was assignment #1

2. Part 2 ( Case study. Court cases which related to your topic) this was assignment #2

3. Part 3 should consist of the following: 

Final thoughts on the topic. This should be (1) page. 

  1. When submitting your final term paper. Please make sure of the following:

1. Your paper should have a cover page. Your cover page should include the following:

The name of your topic

Your Name

course and section ( i.e.: COR 320.03) 

John Jay College of Criminal Justice

2. All three parts should be included. Part 1, Part 2, and now Part 3.

3. Must have a reference/citation page included. All references used in your paper, should be listed on the reference/citation page.

4. If I sent you an email to correct/rearrange your paper. Please make sure this is reflected in the final paper you submit.

5. Please be cognizant of all spelling and grammatical errors. If you were advice to correct any spelling or grammatical errors please be sure to do so before submitting your final paper.  


Please discuss the following in short answers:

1. In regards to the First Myth, what are the issues within Private Prisons?

2. Discuss the Third Myth?

3. According to the 7th Myth, what is the narrative not discussed.

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