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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin PPT

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin PPT


Examining Social Psychology Ideas in the Movie “12 Angry Men”

Introduction slide

Description: Examining Social Psychology in “12 Angry Men”

Detailed synopsis of the movie Slide 2: Attitude

Definition: A cultivated propensity to view something in a particular light.

Scene: Despite proof to the contrary, Juror #3 believes the defendant is guilty because of his bad attitude toward the defendant.

Graph 3: Bias

Prejudice against or in favour of one item, person, or group compared to another is defined as such.

Scene: When Juror #10 makes prejudicial comments about the defendant’s history, it is clear that he has skewed opinions.

Slide 4: Adherence

Definition: Modifying one’s actions or thinking to conform to others.

Scene: Despite having misgivings, Juror #12 first votes guilty to follow the majority.

Discrimination, slide 5

Unfair treatment of certain groups of individuals is defined.

Scene: When he pleads for a guilty finding, juror #4’s bias against the defendant because of his history is clear.

Formation, slide 6

Creating or growing something is defined as the process.

Scene: The jury’s initial verdict demonstrates how they concluded that the defendant is guilty.

Group dynamics on Slide 7

They are studying how people connect in groups.

Scene: As the jury deliberates and voices its thoughts, the dynamics of the group change.

Slide 8: Aggressive Hostility

Definition: Acting aggressively with the intent to cause harm.

Scene: The physical assault on Juror #8 by Juror #3 is an example of hostile violence.

Instrumental aggression, slide 9

Definition: Aggressive conduct intended to accomplish a purpose.

Scene: Juror #7 pushes for a speedy guilty verdict to complete the case quickly.

Slide 10: Influence

Actions taken to influence or change attitudes or opinions.

Scene: Juror #8 persuades others of the defendant’s innocence by presenting arguments and supporting data.

On slide 11, bias

Definition: Negative feelings that are unjustified and directed at a group or individuals.

Scene: Several jurors show bias towards the defendant based on racial and ethnic stereotypes.

Prosocial Learning, Slide 12,

Definition: Picking up good habits through imitation and observation.

Scene: Juror #8 exemplifies prosocial learning for others by demonstrating empathy and justice.

Relational aggression, slide 13

Definition: Acting aggressively to sabotage a person’s connections.

Scene: Relational violence can be seen in the harsh discussions and disagreements among the jurors.

14th slide: Schema

Definition: Mental models that aid in the organization and interpretation of data.

Scene: Jurors’ early assessments are influenced by their preexisting notions of the legal system and defendants.

15th slide: Self

Identity and self-worth are defined as such.

Scene: Juror #5’s familiarity with the case is influenced by his upbringing in the same neighbourhood as the defendant.

Social Influence, slide 16

How other people’s beliefs, feelings, and behaviours influence people.

Scene: Due to social pressure and persuasion, votes gradually change from guilty to not guilty.

Paragraph 17: Stereotypes

A generally held but oversimplified assumption about a specific group or individual.

Scene: Jurors’ early assessments of the defendant are influenced by prejudices about his or her race and upbringing.

18th slide: violence

Physical force is used to cause harm or damage.

Scene: Juror #3’s violent outburst toward Juror #8 highlights the possibility of violence within a group under stress.

Figure 19: Concluding

Slide 20: Q&A Summary of Key Concepts Analyzed Overall Social Psychology Insights from “12 Angry Men”

Give everyone a chance to ask and answer questions.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin PPT





In addition to providing entertainment, films provide detailed portrayals of social behavior.  Your task in this final project is to analyze — from a social-psychological perspective — the behaviors and events depicted in one of the films listed below. This project is designed to give you the opportunity to apply theories of Social Psychology to practice.

Film choices:12 Angry Men

Hidden Figures

Pride and Prejudice  

Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes (documentary)

Note: If you have another movie/documentary that you would like to present, discuss with me for approval.

Specifically, you will demonstrate your understanding of the following social-psychology concepts:

·         Social interactions based on theories of human behavior

·         Basic levels of what motivates behavior and how behavior informs understanding of others

·         Themes of social interactions

·         How prejudice and racism impact human interactions

How do you do that?

§  Select a film from the list below. Watch the film, in its entirety. It may require watching it twice so that you are able to observe social-psychological concepts depicted in the events or individuals in the film. Take notes. Specifically, you want to look for how that concept is used and how it contributes to the storyline/scene.

§  You will describe different social-psychology concepts (17 listed below) you have found in the movie you have chosen.  For each concept, describe a scene that you believe is relevant, ensuring that it aligns with your understanding of the social-psychological concept.

  • Provide specific examples of occurrences in the film from social thinking, social influence, social relations, and other psychosocial domains. Remember you are not watching the movie for mere entertainment.  Rather, you should view the movie with curiosity and attempt to connect your chosen movie to the psychological content you have studied in the course.

§  Specifically, you must detail in your slides that depicts one of the terms below.

Terms to present on PowerPoint:

1.      attitude

2.      bias

3.      conformity

4.      discrimination

5.      formation

6.      group dynamics

7.      hostile aggression

8.      instrumental aggression

9.      persuasion

10.  prejudice

11.  prosocial learning

12.  relational aggression

13.  schema

14.  self

15.  social influence

16.  stereotypes

17.  violence

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