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OU Social Change As Influenced By Social and Mass Media Essay

OU Social Change As Influenced By Social and Mass Media Essay


Part 1: Analysis of the Effects of Mass and Social Media on Personal and Social Behavior

In social transformation and social justice movements, mass media and social media have a crucial role in influencing individual and societal behavior. This examination will examine how these media outlets affect behavior and the significance of their impact on agendas for social change.

Impact on Individual Behavior: a. Information Spreading and Awareness: Social media and mass media are effective methods for bringing attention to social concerns. They offer a forum for disseminating facts, news, and tales that might go unnoticed or unshared. People encounter many different viewpoints, which might cause them to alter their attitudes and views.

Social media networks are skilled at eliciting emotions through images, narratives, and user profiles. Emotionally engaged people are more likely to take action, make charitable contributions, or engage in activism.

c. Peer and social pressure: Social media fosters community and belonging. People are frequently persuaded to adopt particular behaviors or support particular causes by their peers and social circles to fit in or win favor.

Impact on Social Behavior: a. Mobilization and Activism: Social media can swiftly and effectively mobilize large groups of people. Social media helped movements like #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, and #ClimateStrike gain traction and spark demonstrations, legislative changes, and public awareness campaigns.

a. Agenda Setting: News organizations, in particular, the mass media, can determine what topics will be discussed in public. Media-covered topics are more prominent and likely to impact public opinion and political choices.

c. Counterproductive Effects: Mass and social media can both be agents for good in society and can sometimes go wrong. Rapidly disseminating false information and fake news can polarize an audience and reinforce preexisting biases.

The Impact of Social Change Movements and Social Justice Agendas on Mass/Social Media:

Mass and social media offer a forum for underrepresented voices to be heard, amplifying their perspectives. The stories and experiences of people and communities dealing with injustice can be amplified, which increases public sympathy and support.

Rapid Information Dissemination: In times of emergency or dire need, social media can be a lifeline for rapidly disseminating information. Social media enables the quick broadcast of information that can save lives and mobilize resources, whether information about a crisis, a protest, or a plea for assistance.

Accountability and Transparency: Social media can hold people, groups, and governments responsible for their deeds. Increased openness and pressure for change may result from the ability to record and share instances of injustice or wrongdoing.

Maintaining Movements: Over time, mass and social media can assist in keeping a movement’s momentum and exposure. The cause is kept alive and relevant by regular updates, narrative, and involvement with supporters.

In conclusion, social and mass media effectively influence people’s behavior. They significantly affect how people view social issues, relate to them on an emotional level, and take action. It is impossible to overstate their significance in advancing social change movements and social justice agendas since they give people a voice, mobilize massive actions, and encourage accountability and transparency. However, to achieve social change, it is imperative to work toward responsible and ethical media use and be mindful of potential hazards like misinformation and polarization.

Social Change Blog in Part 2

I have compiled all the pertinent data and content for my social change blog, which focuses on the nexus of technology and social justice. The blog seeks to investigate how societal inequality may be exacerbated or lessened by technological improvements. It covers various subjects, such as online activism, algorithmic bias, and digital access.

To visit my blog, “Tech for Justice,” click on the hyperlink provided below: [Blog Link Here]

I ensured the blog was well-structured, included accurate citations, and gave the online community a professional impression. I appreciate all of your advice throughout this course, and I am excited to carry on the discussion of social change through my blog.

OU Social Change As Influenced By Social and Mass Media Essay





Part 1

Social Change as Influenced by Social and Mass Media

Throughout this course you have been developing your social change blog by using social media to share an academic perspective on a social change topic / issue. For this assignment, reflect on how social media has been used as a tool for social change. Also reflect on the process you have gone through in developing your blog.

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Reflect on your experience creating your blog and how mass media (including social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) can impact the behavior of individuals and society at large.
  • Consider the importance of mass media’s influence on social change movements and social justice agendas.
  • Develop an analysis of the impact of mass/social media on individual and societal behavior

By Day 6:

Complete a paper that includes:

  • An analysis of the impact of mass/social media on individual and societal behavior
  • An analysis of the importance of mass/social media’s influence on social change movements and social justice agendas
  • Support for you work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources
  • Support for you work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources


Social Change Blog

Your social change blog is due to launch this week.

To prepare:

  • Finish consolidating your collected information and enter it into your blog. Review content, citations, and presentation to ensure that you are putting your best professional foot forward.

Launch your blog.

Once your blog has launched, submit the following to your Instructor:

  • All relevant information for accessing your blog (i.e., blog site name and link)

Consolidate all of the finalized information you have collected into your initial blog posting. All of the elements you have developed will be presented as a cohesive, rigorous, and professional statement directed toward the professional community.

? Launch your blog.

? Provide your Instructor with all relevant information for accessing your blog (i.e., blog site name and link).

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