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Los Angeles Community College District POL SCI 001 Week 4 The executive branch and congress role in declaring a nuclear war

Los Angeles Community College District POL SCI 001 Week 4 The executive branch and congress role in declaring a nuclear war


Debate Topic: Is the Executive Branch better equipped to decide on military action during a crisis, or is the Legislature better equipped, or is it both?

In the context of a possible “Nuclear War with Iran,” the question of who should have the authority to decide on military action during a crisis is a complex and crucial one. This debate will examine the roles of the Executive Branch and the Legislature (Congress) in making such decisions and consider their respective strengths and weaknesses.

Position: Both the Executive Branch and the Legislature should have a role in deciding on military action during a crisis.

Argument 1: Balance of Power and Accountability

The United States’ system of government is founded on the principle of checks and balances, with the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches serving as counterweights to prevent any one branch from accumulating too much power. In the context of military action, involving both branches ensures that decisions are thoroughly deliberated and not the result of one individual’s whim.

The Executive Branch, particularly the President, can act swiftly in times of crisis, which is essential when immediate action is required to protect national security. However, this power can be prone to abuse or hasty decisions. In contrast, the Legislature’s involvement, through mechanisms like the War Powers Act, adds a layer of scrutiny and accountability. Congress can serve as a check on the Executive, preventing rash decisions or prolonged military engagements without broad support.

Argument 2: Diverse Perspectives and Expertise

The Executive Branch, particularly the President, has access to intelligence agencies and military experts, which can provide valuable information and insights during a crisis. However, relying solely on the Executive’s judgment may lead to a narrow perspective and a lack of diverse viewpoints.

Congress, on the other hand, represents a wide range of voices from across the country. Members of Congress bring their constituents’ concerns, regional perspectives, and expertise to the table. In the case of a complex and potentially catastrophic event like a nuclear war, the collective wisdom of the Legislature is invaluable. It ensures that decisions are made with a broader understanding of the potential consequences.

Argument 3: Constitutional Authority

The U.S. Constitution grants certain powers to each branch of government. While the President has the authority to command the military, Congress has the power to declare war. Involving Congress in decisions regarding military action aligns with the Constitution’s intent and reinforces the principle that the nation’s commitment to war should be a collective decision.

In the case of a nuclear war with Iran, a conflict with far-reaching consequences, involving both branches respects the Constitution’s separation of powers. It ensures that decisions of such magnitude are made collectively and reflect the will of the people as represented by their elected officials in Congress.

In conclusion, the question of whether the Executive Branch or the Legislature is better equipped to decide on military action during a crisis is not an “either/or” proposition. Both branches play essential roles, with their strengths complementing each other. In the case of a potential nuclear war with Iran, involving both branches ensures a more balanced, accountable, and constitutionally sound decision-making process, which is vital for the well-being and security of the nation.

Los Angeles Community College District POL SCI 001 Week 4 The executive branch and congress role in declaring a nuclear war





DQ #4: Let’s Debate the issue:Is the Executive Branch better equipped to decide on military action during crisis or the Legislature? or Both?


Chapters 13-14 Lesson: The Executive Branch and Congress role in Declaring a Nuclear War.

Lesson Activity DQ #4: In this Lesson Activity you will have to identify the role of the Congress and the Executive Branch in declaring a war either by Executive Order or by the War Powers Act. This will be a Debate activity to discuss your individual qualitative research on the causes and effects of a possible case scenario: “Nuclear War with Iran” and examine the key countries’ involved in this conflict considering their geo-political and geo-strategical interests.


Case Scenario: “Nuclear War with Iran”

Please take a position pro/con and support it with 3 arguments 300 words each-do further research on the subject e.g. previous wars and how the Congress/Executive Branch reacted. In this individual research you are prompted to evaluate the role of the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch (Congress) in terms of War action. Which one is better suitable to declare a war? Please take into consideration a ‘vital’ conflict that is ongoing such as the possibility of a war with Iran.

Task and Mission:

1. Are we ready to negotiate?

2. Evaluate the terms for a possible end of the conflict.

3. What are the effects of a possible Nuclear War with Iran ?

5. Consider China’s role and S. Korea’s role in this conflict.

6. Examine the Economics and Security in the region. e.g. silk road -China/Russia/EU/Middle East

Guidelines to consider for this activity:

  • U.S. relations with Iran (History of Negotiations-Treaties).
  • Iran’s Nuclear capability (NPT Treaty).
  • Iran’s relations with Russia and Pakistan.
  • Possible Proxy War -Examine the Geopolitical position of Iran.
  • Examine NATO’s and the U.N. role in this possible war.
  • China’s role in this possible conflict/war (economic and geo-strategical)
  • Identify the key players (countries) alliances and geopolitical/security/economic/ interest.

Suggested Research Guidelines:

Refer below to the Supplemental Videos/Links for your research:

(Links to an external site.)War Power Act-1973, Definition & Purposes-HISTORY (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)U.S.-Pakistan Relations: Reassessing Priorities Amid Continued Challenges (Links to an external site.)

Containing Tehran: Understanding Iran’s Power and Exploiting its Vulnerabilities (Links to an external site.)

Is War with Iran imminent? Here’s the real truth (Links to an external site.)

Iran, Israel, and Nuclear War (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

Submission Format Guidelines:

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