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Literature Review and Proposal Writing Discussions Questions

Literature Review and Proposal Writing Discussions Questions


  1. A critical literature review is essential to any research project as it serves several crucial purposes. First, it provides a comprehensive overview of existing literature on the chosen research topic. This helps researchers understand the current state of knowledge, identify gaps, and build a solid foundation for their study (Booth et al., 2021; Donald, 2023). For instance, in a study on hotel management, a critical literature review would summarize key findings and theories related to this field.

Second, a critical literature review helps researchers refine their research questions and hypotheses. By critically analyzing previous studies and identifying areas of disagreement or unexplored aspects, researchers can frame their research more precisely (Ridley, 2012). For example, a review might reveal a lack of research on sustainable hotel management practices, prompting a researcher to focus on this niche area.

Third, it enables researchers to justify the significance of their study. Citing relevant literature demonstrates that the research addresses a gap or problem that needs attention (Hart, 2018). This is important for obtaining funding and support.

Fourth, a well-conducted literature review aids in the selection of appropriate research methods and data collection tools. Researchers can learn from the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies and avoid potential pitfalls (Fink, 2019). For instance, by reviewing hotel management research, a researcher can decide whether to use surveys or interviews based on what has worked best in similar studies.

Lastly, a critical literature review enhances the credibility of a research project by showing that the research is informed and rigorous (Levy and Ellis, 2006). It helps avoid duplication of efforts and ensures that the study contributes meaningfully to the field.

  1. Before writing a research proposal, one should have a clear understanding of the research topic, including its scope and relevance. Researchers should also conduct a preliminary literature review to identify existing knowledge gaps and potential research questions (Ridley, 2012).

Good proposals are characterized by well-defined research objectives, a clear research plan, and a strong rationale for the study’s significance (Locke et al., 2010). In contrast, poor proposals lack clarity, have vague research questions, and lack a convincing rationale.

  1. Common major problems in writing academic proposals include:

    a. Lack of clarity in research objectives and questions. Example: A proposal that states, “We aim to study tourism” without specifying what aspects or issues within tourism will be investigated.

    b. Insufficient background research and literature review. Example: Failing to review relevant literature to support the need for the research or ignoring key studies in the field.

    c. Weak methodology section. Example: Providing limited detail on how data will be collected and analyzed, making it unclear if the chosen methods are appropriate.

    d. Unclear timeline and budget. Example: Failing to outline a realistic timeline for the research or not providing a clear budget breakdown.

  2. Conducting a research study without a critical literature review can lead to several problems, including:

    a. Lack of context: Without understanding the existing knowledge, researchers may miss critical insights and overlook important theories and findings.

    b. Replication of previous work: Researchers may unintentionally repeat studies or methods that have already been explored, wasting resources and time.

    c. Weak research design: The absence of a literature review can result in poorly designed studies with inadequate methodologies.

    d. Difficulty in justifying the study: Without a literature review, it’s challenging to demonstrate the significance and relevance of the research, which can hinder obtaining funding and support.

    e. Missed opportunities: Researchers may fail to identify emerging trends or gaps in the literature that could lead to groundbreaking contributions to their field.

In conclusion, a critical literature review is an essential component of research that informs the study’s design, justifies its significance, and ensures it builds upon existing knowledge effectively.

Literature Review and Proposal Writing Discussions Questions





1. With examples discuss (in less or equal to 250 words) the importance and purpose of the critical literature review to your research project. Use at least five references well cited in the text (Lecture 3 Critical Literature review). The references should bear the following format: Donald, T. P. 2023. Hotel Use and Management. New Publisher, New York

2. Writing a proposal is not an easy task. Before writing a proposal what someone is supposed to have or consider? What reasons which can enable a researcher to come up with a good proposal and with a poor proposal.

3. With examples discuss the common major problems associated with a writing of the academic proposal.

4. Literature review has a big role to play in a research. Since literature has important role in a research/study, what is the problem of conducting a research/ study without conducting a critical literature review?   

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