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Generational Differences About Media Communication Project Paper

Generational Differences About Media Communication Project Paper


Interview Questions:

  1. Introduction:
    • Briefly introduce yourself and the purpose of the interview.
    • Explain the context of the assignment and the medium you’ll be discussing.
  2. Medium Introduction:
    • Ask the interviewee about the “new” medium they encountered.
    • Where and how old were they when they first encountered this medium?
  3. Origin and Access:
    • Inquire about where the medium came from and how they gained access to it.
    • Was it in their home, with friends, at a store, in school, or somewhere else?
    • Were they the first in their family or peer group to acquire it?
  4. Learning to Use the Medium:
    • Ask how they learned to use the medium.
    • Did they teach themselves, receive guidance from someone, or read a manual?
  5. Usage and Activities:
    • Inquire about how they used the medium and what specific activities they engaged in.
    • Did they use it alone or with others? What did they do with it?
  6. Emotional Experience:
    • Ask them to describe the emotions they felt when they first used the medium.
    • Did they experience awe, fear, pleasure, confusion, curiosity, etc.?
  7. Frequency of Use:
    • Was this a one-time experience or the first of many uses?
    • If they used it more than once, how did they incorporate it into their life?
  8. Medium’s Place in Society:
    • How did they perceive the medium’s role in American culture and society at that time?
    • Was it popular among different groups or specific demographics?
  9. Reflection:
    • Ask if their perception of the medium has changed over time.
    • How do they view the medium’s impact on their generation and subsequent ones?
  10. Conclusion:
  • Thank them for their time and insights.

Written Report Structure:

  1. Introduction:
    • Briefly introduce the topic and the purpose of the interview.
    • Provide context for the interviewee’s generation and the “new” medium discussed.
  2. Interview Summary:
    • Summarize the key points from the interview, including the medium, its origin, access, learning process, usage, emotions, and societal perception.
  3. Themes and Issues:
    • Reflect on the themes and issues that emerged during the interview.
    • Compare and contrast the interviewee’s experience with the medium to current technologies.
  4. Incorporating Readings:
    • Integrate insights from at least three assigned readings related to new media and generational differences.
    • Discuss how the readings align with or diverge from the interviewee’s experience.
  5. Personal Reflection:
    • Share your personal reflections on the interview process, the interviewee’s perspective, and what you’ve learned from this experience.
  6. Conclusion:
    • Sum up the main findings and insights from the interview.
    • Highlight the significance of understanding generational differences in media experiences.
  7. References:
    • List the sources you’ve referenced in your report.

Remember to follow ethical guidelines when conducting the interview, respecting the interviewee’s privacy and consent. Good luck with your assignment!

Generational Differences About Media Communication Project Paper



How do individuals experience “new” media? Are their generational differences?

This assignment requires you to interview a person who is at least 20 years older than you. This person may be a family member or friend. The purpose of your interview is to investigate the cultural reception of new media among an earlier generation of living individuals.

This medium could be a radio, television, camera, record player, cassette player, VCR, fax machine, DVD player, computer, cell phone, or some other technology, website, or software. (These are just some suggestions, not a comprehensive list.) This “new” medium need not be new to the world during your subject’s life; it could be a technology that has been around for a long time – for example, a record player, typewriter, or radio – but was once “new” to your subject.


During your interview, you might consider asking your subject to reflect upon the following questions:

Where and how old were you when you first encountered this “new” medium?

Where did this medium come from? How did you gain access to it? In your home, with friends, at a store, in school, somewhere else?

Were you the first in your family or peer group to acquire it or did you acquire it after seeing others with it?

How did you learn to use this medium? Did you teach yourself, did someone show you, or did you read a manual?

How did you use this medium? What exactly did you do with it? Did you use it alone or with others?

How did you feel when you first used this medium? What emotions accompanied the experience? Awe, fear, pleasure, confusion, ambivalence, curiosity, envy, pride – some combination? (These are just a few possibilities.)

Was this the first of many uses or a one-time experience? If it was the first of many uses, how did you incorporate this medium into your life? When did you use it and under what circumstances?

At the time, how did you imagine that this medium fit into American culture and society? Was it widely popular among people from all walks of life or more narrowly popular among a specific group of users – for example, children, teenagers, adults, music lovers, artists, gamers, hobbyists, or technology “geeks”?

Your interview, which should be at least 15 minutes long, must be recorded (via video or audio-only) to assist you with your note-taking and written report.

Written Reports

After conducting the interview, each student will write a paper that summarizes his/her findings and reflects upon themes and issues that arose in the interview. In addition to personal reflection, students must reflect upon and incorporate insights from at least three of the assigned readings in this course.

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