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Final Paper Outline: Women’s Occupations.

 Final Paper Outline: Women’s Occupations.


Title: (Choose a suitable title for your paper)


  • Begin by introducing the purpose of your paper. State your thesis or the main problem you intend to analyze.
  • Mention the two occupations you will be discussing (modelling and teaching) and provide a brief overview of their key features.
  • Mention the relevance of these occupations to the course and highlight the importance of studying them from a gender, race-ethnicity, and class perspective.
  • Identify the theoretical lens (e.g., The Managed Hand and other relevant course readings) you will use to analyze these occupations.
  • Clearly state that you will examine how women in these occupations have been held accountable to social definitions of femininity, emotional labour, and body labour.


  • Start by providing detailed descriptions of the modelling and teaching occupations.
    • Purpose of the occupation.
    • Number of women in each occupation.
    • Income levels and whether they are female-dominated.
    • Benefits and mobility opportunities, if any.

Modelling Occupation Analysis:

  • Discuss how the modelling occupation is structured.
  • Explore why women enter the modelling profession.
  • Analyze the key features of social relations at work in the modelling industry.
  • Discuss how women “do gender” in the modelling field.
  • Examine the gendered and race-ethnic organization of work in modelling.
  • Describe the emotional or body labour expected in modelling and how ideal femininity is reaffirmed or remapped.
  • Investigate opportunities for advancement in modelling and who tends to benefit from them.
  • Use relevant course readings to support your analysis.

Teaching Occupation Analysis:

  • Follow a similar structure to analyze the teaching profession.
  • Discuss the structure of the teaching occupation.
  • Explore why women enter the teaching profession.
  • Analyze social relations at work in teaching.
  • Discuss how gender is performed within the teaching field.
  • Examine the gendered and race-ethnic organization of work in teaching.
  • Describe the emotional or body labour expected in teaching and how ideal femininity is reaffirmed or remapped.
  • Investigate opportunities for advancement in teaching and who tends to benefit from them.
  • Utilize course readings to support your analysis.


  • Summarize the main findings from your analysis of the modelling and teaching occupations.
  • Address how these findings relate to the original problem or thesis statement.
  • Discuss the implications of your findings for understanding occupational inequality by gender, race, and class.
  • Reflect on women’s resistance and empowerment prospects in these two occupations.
  • Reiterate the relevance of your theoretical lens and how it contributed to your analysis.


  • List all the references you cited in your paper, following the Chicago or APA style sheet as specified in the guidelines.

Remember to maintain a clear and organized structure throughout your paper, use evidence from course readings and additional sources to support your arguments, and provide critical analysis based on your chosen theoretical framework. Good luck with your final paper!

 Final Paper Outline: Women's Occupations.




“FINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES (25 points, maximum) 7 This quarter has provided abundant information on women and work. We have discussed the relationship between family and work, in particular how the division of labor cuts across both social arenas. Using The Managed Hand and other course readings as your theoretical lens, discuss how women have been held accountable to social definitions of femininity, emotional labor, and/or body labor and the conditions under which these accountability systems vary by race-ethnicity, gender/sexuality, and class in two occupations of your choice. One of the occupations should be from an occupation discussed in class; the other can differ but then you will need to include research on that occupation.

• Systematically compare and contrast the work experiences of women workers in two worksites.

• Begin by describing the key features of each occupation (what is the purpose of the occupation, does it offer benefits, mobility opportunities?), indicate the number of women in this occupation, their income, and whether or not this is a female-dominated occupation. You will need to use the BLS Data Book.

• Then, discuss how these occupations are structured, why women enter each occupation, key features of social relations at work, how they “do gender,” the gendered and race-ethnic organization of work, what type of emotional labor or body labor (or both) is expected and how ideal femininity is reaffirmed and/or remapped. Integrate the appropriate readings from our class as you analyze the two jobs about which you are writing.

• Do not forget to discuss the types of opportunities for advancement that exist in these jobs and who appears to get them and what they are paid.

• Ultimately, what does the organization of these particular jobs tell us about occupational inequality by gender, race, and/or class?

• What do you believe the prospects are for women’s resistance and empowerment in these jobs? Depending on the occupation you select, you may need to find and draw on at least 1-2 articles outside of this class to ascertain opportunities for ‘resistance’ and ‘empowerment.’

The length of the paper should be between 6-8 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font. Please insert your name and page numbers on each page of the paper.


(1) Introduction: By the end of the first paragraph, you must clearly identify the purpose of the paper. All of you are required to write: “the purpose of this paper is….” I do not want to guess and if you do NOT do this by the end of the first paragraph, you will be penalized in terms of points. Remember, your purpose is not simply to describe occupations or occupational change but to evaluate the explanatory power of the different views of occupational stratification and mobility we have discussed in class. Say you are interested in arguing that women of color and white women both encounter a “glass ceiling” but that the  8 barriers to mobility differ. You can indicate this as your interest but you must have a thesis statement which is also called a “statement of purpose” that specifies the “problem” you are going to analyze and what “theory or theories” you are going to use to examine the “problem.” You must identify in this paragraph which theory or theories are most insightful in giving us a better understanding of the “problem” you have identified and that your paper is going to show this. Typically, the statement of purpose, the discussion of the “problem” you are going to analyze, and identifying which theories and/or concepts you are going to use in your analysis takes a few sentences or a paragraph. After you have finished the introductory paragraph, you begin your analysis. In general, the introduction is about ½ page.

(2) Narrative: Present your case. Present the relevant theoretical explanations for the “problem” you are going to analyze according to your thesis statement. In each paragraph of this review of the literature, you can discuss how it relates (or not) to each of the occupations you are analyzing. You can also indicate if the theories themselves have sparked some questions that you are now asking as you review your 2 selected occupations. Cite relevant sources for the data, theories, and examples from readings. This section should be about 3-4 pages but is often longer which is fine.

(3) Conclusion: Bring it all together. This is a key part of the paper and should refer back to the Introduction. Tell me how you answered the original questions you posed and have dealt with your original purpose. This section should be about ½ to 1 page.

(4) Bibliography: At the end of the paper, provide a bibliography that lists all of the references you cited. Use either the Chicago or APA style sheet. ”

My plan was to write about women in modeling and teaching but am open to other ideas. Both these occupations were discussed in our class but we also discussed women in child care, nail salons, etc.

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