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Design a After School Program Problem Based Learning Presentation

Design a After School Program Problem Based Learning Presentation


The provided reading outlines a Special Project on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) titled “AFTER-SCHOOL PLAY PROGRAM.” The assignment involves designing an after-school play program for primary school children in a specific community, with the goal of eventually applying for funding to run the program. Here’s a breakdown of the assignment:

1. Project Aim:

  • The aim of the project is to plan an after-school play program suitable for a specific situation.

2. Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify stakeholders in the planned program.
  • Identify the main needs and concerns of key stakeholders.
  • Establish realistic parameters for the program.
  • Select a site according to stated criteria.
  • Design a program appropriate to the given situation and available resources.
  • Establish a procedure for reviewing and evaluating the program.

3. Problem Definition:

  • In the community, many parents work, and primary school children often need to spend after-school hours with babysitters or older siblings. Existing after-school activities are inconsistent and poorly structured. A group of parents aims to design an after-school play program to address this issue.

4. Team Structure and Mode of Interaction:

  • You are a parent leading the design of the program.
  • A tutor/academic acts as a consultant.
  • Communication with the tutor is limited to 30-minute consultations.
  • Participation in a student forum is required for information exchange.

5. Discussion Questions:

  • Various issues and questions need to be addressed in the solution, including the need for the program, target group, existing resources, funding requirements, criteria for program design, catering to different abilities, safety issues, site characteristics, and stakeholder goals.

6. Resources:

  • Human resources can be drawn upon, and all assistance must be acknowledged.
  • Other resources include course materials, books, journals, the internet, etc., and all sources must be cited.

7. Guidelines:

  • The project should take between 8-10 hours, including interactions with a tutor or others.
  • You will be assessed on your problem-solving process, not just the final report.
  • The final report should be a multimedia presentation with Power Point.

8. Final Report:

  • The final report should include your design, how it meets community needs, a description of the site, criteria for selecting plants or trees (if relevant), facilities and equipment required, how different needs are met, an account of the problem-solving process, a list of unaddressed issues, resources used, an evaluation of your performance, and summaries of what you learned about problem-solving and play program design.

In summary, this PBL assignment challenges you to design an after-school play program, considering various aspects and learning outcomes, and to present your solution using multimedia tools. The emphasis is on the problem-solving process and addressing real community needs.

Design a After School Program Problem Based Learning Presentation





for this assignment follow the instructions. I attached  a reading:

Reading on Special Project :Problem Based Learning

Special Project: Problem Based Learning

This is what is often referred to in universities as a PBL (Problem Based Learning Assignment)

Read the lesson thoroughly before starting.


Traditionally, students learn by listening to lectures and reading. They are assessed on their ability to recall and communicate what they have learned.

Another way of learning is problem-based learning. Students are given problems to solve, and learn much more in the process.

Many successful and progressive universities around the world use problem based learning (PBL), and ACS courses have always incorporated a PBL approach.


Research shows that PBL gives the learner greater long-term benefits than traditional learning. Graduates of PBL courses advance faster and further in their careers.

Other benefits of PBL:

•Develops critical and creative thinking;

•Creates effective problem-solvers;

•Increases motivation;

•Encourages lateral thinking;

•Improves communication and networking skills;

•Is based on real-life situations.


Every PBL project is carefully designed by experts to expose you to the information and skills that we want you to learn.

When assigned a project, you are given:

•A statement of the problem (eg. diseased animal; failing business; anorexia case study);

•Questions to consider when solving the problem;

•A framework for the time and effort you should spend on the project;

•Support from the school.

Please Note:

Students who are accustomed to traditional education might think that PBL is not what they need.  However, research backs PBL in all areas of learning. After you have completed a PBL project, you will see why.

Assignment   Below


1. Project aim

Plan an after-school play program appropriate for a specific situation.

2. Learning Outcomes

•Identify stakeholders in a planned program (anyone with a vested interest in the program);

•Identify main needs and concerns of key stakeholders (such as activities and resources for handicapped children; concerns for child safety);

•Establish realistic parameters for a planned play program (such as limits to budget, time and resources etc.);

•Select a site according to stated criteria;

•Design a program appropriate to a given situation and available resources;

•Establish a procedure for reviewing and evaluating the program.

3. Problem Definition

In many of the families of your community, both parents work. This means that many primary school children (ages 5-12) must spend after-school hours in the care of baby sitters or older siblings. Some children participate in some after-school activities run by different schools, but these are inconsistent, poorly structured, boring, and cannot accommodate enough children to meet community needs. While some parents are able to leave work earlier once or twice a week, most are not in a position to do so. Some young children also go home alone, and are unsupervised for 1-2 hours until a parent returns. This situation is causing some distress and concern in the community, to parents, siblings, and teachers who do not feel it is their responsibility to ‘baby sit’ children after school.

A group of parents with children in two different schools has met to find a solution to this problem. They have found some after-school play programs in other areas have gained government funding or been financed by charitable organisations or corporations. Therefore, they have decided to design a program and apply for funding to run it.  You are one of these parents, and you in charge of planning the program.

Your task: Design an after-school play program that can be attended by primary school children in the community. Then, prepare a presentation of your program. (Do not write a funding application).

4. Team Structure and Mode of Interaction

Your role: You are a parent who has been chosen to lead a group of parents in the design of an after-school play program in your community. This design is to be (hypothetically) submitted to the local city council or government or a charitable organisation with a request/application for funding.

Tutor’s support: You must contact the school’s academic department and arrange to use a tutor/academic in the role is to act as a consultant, equivalent to a paid consultant in the real world. (This may or may not be your normal tutor in this course)

Do this twice before commencing on your final report, by phone, fax or email.

Your consultant/tutor will limit the service they provide in each contact to a 30 minute consultation.

You must therefore plan for each contact to ensure that the contact is efficient and time effective. You may ask for guidance as needed, or simply report on your progress. You may request more frequent assistance if necessary, within reason. It is not your tutor’s role to solve the problem.

Student forum: You must submit relevant questions to a student room forum on at least two occasions during the project, before commencing the final report. You must check for responses, and incorporate useful responses in your report.

5. Discussion questions

These are issues or questions that you should address in your solution, whether or not you can find answers.

•What is the demonstrated need for an after-school play program?

•What is the target group for the program, and how will the program meet their needs?

•What existing resources can be used and what limitations might they impose on the project? (e.g.  a suitable location for the program; people to run the program);

•What is funding needed for?

•What criteria will be applied to program design and implementation (e.g. Must it contribute to child development? Is cost effectiveness an issue? Do government regulations apply?)

•How will the program cater for different abilities and interests (including disabilities)?

•What safety issues must be addressed, and how?

•What are the site characteristics that are relevant to this project?

•Will the program be adversely affected by seasons or weather, and how will these be catered for?

•What are reasonable goals in this situation for different stakeholders?

6. Resources

Human resources (optional): You may draw on the skills, knowledge and assistance of others – other students, experts whom you consult, friends. All assistance must be formally acknowledged.

Other resources (compulsory): You are expected to use some resources, and can choose which to use. You may gather the information required to solve this problem from course readings, books, journals, news programs, the internet, etc. All sources must be acknowledged.

7. Guidelines

Duration: This project should take between 8-10 hours (including communications with a tutor or others). When 10 hours of work has been completed, submit what you have, no matter what stage it is in. You may be penalised for exceeding this time limit.

Assessment:  You will be assessed on your capacity to work through the problem to a logical conclusion. You are not being assessed on your final report. You will be assessed on your problem-solving process. This will be demonstrated to the school in the following ways:

•Your final report, and

•Your interaction with a tutor, and

•Your use of a forum in the student room.

8. Final Report

You need to submit a   written presentation  using technology multimedia presentation with Power Point.

Your presentation must include:

1.Your design;

2.Explanation of how it meets community needs;

3.A description of the site (If possible, describe a real site, though a hypothetical site is acceptable);

4.Criteria for selecting plants or trees, their location and how they will be established/maintained, if relevant;

5.A description of the facilities and equipment required;

6.Explanation of how different needs are met (eg. disabled, different age groups and abilities, etc);

7.An account of the problem-solving process you experienced

8.A list of issues that arose during the project, that you either could not deal with or that were  not essential to the project;

9.A list of resources used, including human resources;

10.An evaluation of your performance, including what you did very well, and what you can improve;

11.A summary of you learned about problem solving from this project;

12.A summary of you learned about play program design from this project.

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