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CS Intern 15 Year Career Mapping

CS Intern 15 Year Career Mapping


Making a career mapping assignment is a great technique to assist interns in planning and visualizing their long-term professional objectives. Following the example given in the links, below is a step-by-step instruction on how to organize and create a career pathways template for interns:

Stage 1: Overview

Introduce the significance and goal of career planning first. Describe it as a tool to assist interns in developing a 15-year professional development plan divided into five-year segments.

Step 2: Individual Data

Provide a space in the form where interns can enter their contact details, name, current position, and any relevant degrees or qualifications.

Step 3: Present Interests and Capabilities

Request a list of the interns’ current abilities, passions, and talents. This is going to be the basis for their career mapping.

Four: Five-Year Career Objectives

Ask interns to list their five-year professional aspirations in the first area of the template. This could include the job titles they want to have, the skills they want to learn, and any particular goals they have in mind.

Set 10-Year Career Goals in Step Five

Inquire of interns about their ten-year career aspirations in the second section. This may entail more important career milestones and should expand upon their 5-year goals.

6. 15-Year Career Objectives

In the third section, interns describe their professional goals for the following fifteen years. This should be a more comprehensive picture of their career goals.

7: Make an Action Plan

Urge interns to draft action plans in the three divisions (5-year, 10-year, and 15-year). The actions people must take to reach their objectives, such as learning new skills, obtaining experience, or going back to school, should be outlined in these plans.

Step Eight: Benchmarks

Ask interns to list important turning moments or benchmarks in their career journey. These can be specific accomplishments, certifications, or promotions enabling them to monitor their development.

Step 9: Possible Difficulties and Their Resolutions

Inquire of interns about any obstacles they may encounter on the way to accomplishing their professional objectives. Urge them to develop ideas or tactics to get beyond these obstacles.

Step 10: Evaluation and Modification

Stress the value of periodically evaluating and modifying their career path in light of evolving conditions. Encourage interns to evaluate their work and revise their objectives and action plans.

Step 11: Supplementary Materials

Give interns extra tools or resources, including suggested reading lists, course recommendations, or networking opportunities, to help them advance their careers.

Step 12: Review and Submit

Give interns a deadline to finish and submit their career route templates for evaluation. Consider setting up private consultations to review their goals and offer advice.

Step 13: Guidance

Urge interns to look for mentors or advisors who can help them as they pursue their professional objectives.

Step 14: Observation and Assessment

Provide a framework for routinely assessing interns’ advancement toward their professional objectives. Performance reviews or frequent check-ins may be necessary for this.

Step 15: Ongoing Improvement

Inform interns that career mapping is a continuous endeavour. Urge them to review and revise their career pathway templates in light of new knowledge and understanding.

CS Intern 15 Year Career Mapping





  • Career mapping assignment, interns will develop a career pathways template (see example) clearly explaining each intern fifteen-year pathway in increments of five (5) years. This is a long-range planning guide for your personal and career development. (see links for career mapping template).

https://medium.com/@mmbazo/career-mapping-sometimes-you-have-to-make-plans-eb5f8afeb273 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

https://www.google.com/search?q=career+mapping&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS816US816&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjG2vealNLfAhXKrFkKHY2tDJIQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=969 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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