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Comparing Healthcare System Performance.

 Comparing Healthcare System Performance.


Comparing Healthcare Systems:

  1. Life Expectancy: Life expectancy at birth is a fundamental indicator that reflects the overall health and healthcare system of a country. It measures how long, on average, people in a country can expect to live. A higher life expectancy is generally seen as an indicator of a well-performing healthcare system.
  2. Infant Mortality Rate: This indicator measures the number of infant deaths (under one year of age) per 1,000 live births. A lower infant mortality rate suggests better access to prenatal care, pediatric services, and overall healthcare quality.
  3. Access to Healthcare: Assessing the percentage of the population with access to healthcare services is crucial. This includes factors like the percentage of the population covered by health insurance or the proportion of people who report difficulties in accessing healthcare due to cost or geographical barriers.
  4. Wait Times: The average wait time for various medical procedures or surgeries is an important performance indicator. Long wait times can indicate inefficiencies or capacity issues within a healthcare system.
  5. Healthcare Expenditure per Capita: This metric compares how much a country spends on healthcare per person. It can help assess whether a country is achieving good healthcare outcomes relative to its healthcare spending.
  6. Patient Satisfaction: Surveys or assessments of patient satisfaction can provide insights into the quality of care, communication with healthcare providers, and overall patient experience within the healthcare system.

Why These Indicators Are Important:

  • Life Expectancy: High life expectancy indicates that the healthcare system is effectively preventing and managing diseases, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and providing access to quality care.
  • Infant Mortality Rate: A low infant mortality rate suggests that infants have access to proper prenatal and neonatal care, reducing the risk of early childhood mortality.
  • Access to Healthcare: Access to healthcare services is a fundamental principle of any healthcare system. It ensures that individuals can receive necessary care when they need it.
  • Wait Times: Long wait times can lead to delayed treatments and potential health complications, so reducing them is essential for timely healthcare delivery.
  • Healthcare Expenditure per Capita: It helps gauge whether a healthcare system is efficient in delivering quality care without excessive spending.
  • Patient Satisfaction: High patient satisfaction indicates that the healthcare system meets patient needs, is responsive, and provides a positive healthcare experience.

Personal Questions/Comments/Opinions:

In this section, you can ask questions or express your opinions about the findings or implications of the study you read. For example:

  • Were there any surprising findings in the study that challenged your preconceptions about healthcare systems?
  • What are the potential policy implications of the differences in healthcare performance between Canada and the other OECD country you chose?
  • How can healthcare systems balance the need for cost-effective care with the desire for high-quality and accessible services?
  • Do you think public opinion and political factors play a significant role in shaping healthcare policies and outcomes in different countries?

Feel free to expand on these questions or add your own thoughts based on the specific findings and insights from the study you read.

 Comparing Healthcare System Performance.



1. The Fraser Institute is an internationally-known Canadian economic
think tank. Healthcare is one of its research concentrations.
Consult the Fraser Institute study “Comparing Performance of Universal
Health Care Countries, 2022”, available from its webpage
https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/health-care. Compare Canada to
another OECD country of your choice in terms of four to six indicators of
healthcare system performance that you find the most informative. Prepare
a half to three-quarters page (single-spaced, typed) summary of your
Please clearly define what each of the performance indicators you have chosen mean
before you discuss them further. Use language someone who hasn’t read the study can
understand. Please indicate why you think these indicators are important.
2. Add a few (typed) personal questions / comments / opinions of your
own related to the reading in a separate section.

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