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Client Support Strategies.

Client Support Strategies.


A.) Your approach to assisting a homeless, elderly client with medical, addiction, mental health, and legal issues is thorough and well-structured. Here’s an advancement to consider:

Holistic Assessment: In addition to evaluating the client’s eligibility for various services and conducting medical and mental health screenings, consider conducting a holistic assessment. This involves not just identifying their problems but understanding their strengths, values, and cultural background in more depth. It can help in tailoring the services and support to their unique needs and preferences. For instance, if you discover they have a strong support network within a particular cultural community, you can leverage that to enhance their rehabilitation and recovery process.

Client-Centered Approach: While coordinating services and making referrals, always keep the client at the center of decision-making. Engage the client in discussions about their preferences and goals, and make sure they are actively involved in the planning process. This approach empowers the client and fosters a sense of ownership over their own recovery journey.

Regular Follow-ups: After referrals have been made, establish a system of regular follow-ups with the client. Check in on their progress, whether they’ve accessed the referred services, and if they’re experiencing any issues. This ongoing support can be critical in ensuring they receive the care they need and are motivated to continue using the resources available to them.

B.) Your approach to a teenager facing an unplanned pregnancy is sensitive and practical. Here’s an additional perspective:

Informed Decision-Making: While referring the client to an agency specializing in teen pregnancy is a crucial step, ensure that the client is well-informed about all available options – parenting, adoption, and abortion. Providing unbiased information and counseling is essential to empower the client to make a decision that aligns with her values and circumstances.

Confidentiality and Consent: Given that the client is a minor, it’s vital to navigate legal and ethical considerations carefully. Discuss with the client the importance of involving her parents or guardians in the decision-making process, but also emphasize her right to confidentiality if she chooses not to involve them. Ensure that you follow the legal requirements regarding consent in your jurisdiction.

Support Network: Encourage the client to seek support from trusted individuals, such as friends, family members, or mentors, as she navigates this challenging situation. Building a support network can be invaluable during this time.

Long-Term Planning: Beyond the immediate decision, help the client think about her long-term goals and how they may be impacted by different choices. Discuss educational and career aspirations, as well as the resources and support available to help her achieve these goals even as a young parent, if that’s the path she chooses.

In both cases, maintaining a client-centered, culturally sensitive, and ethical approach is essential to providing effective case management and support. Regularly reviewing and updating your knowledge of available resources and legal requirements is also critical in ensuring the best possible outcomes for your clients.

Client Support Strategies.





Answer both A&B separately by advancing the discussion and/ or by adding value.

A.) 1. I have a client that is homeless, elderly, needs medical attention, addicted, mental issues and legal problems.

2. Mental evaluation, Medical screen, Homeless program, Elder legal advocacy, Rehab.

3. First I would interview the client to learn what services he could be eligible for based what sevices he is eligible for (Medicare, Veterans administration, state, county and federal programs).

Next I would set him up for a medical screen and mental evaluation going through channels and writing out referrals and contacting the people who are contracted with my agency.

4. I might have problems with eligibility or not enough services or places

“If a client needs services that an agency does not provide, then it is the case manager’s responsibility to locate such resources in the community, arrange for the client to make use of them, and support the client in using them. These are the three basic activities in coordinating delivery of human services. In coordinating services, the case manager engages in linking, monitoring, and advocating while adding to on the assessment and planning that have taken place in earlier phases of case management. The case manager continues to build on client strengths or emphasize client empowerment within the context of the client’s cultural background and basic values” Woodside and McClam, 2018 pg. 320)

Marianne Woodside and Tricia McClam, Cengage Learning 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210

B.) A possible client that may be a seventeen year old who just found out she is pregnant. The pregnancy is frowned upon by her parents. She is unsure what to do and is unsure of all the options available to her. The case manager may then decide to refer the client to an agency that specializes in unplanned teen pregnancy. The agency will have counselors to aid the client in deciding what option works best for her. A a case manager I would call the agency with the client sitting there with me. I would introduce myself and give a brief explanation of the clients situation and state that she needs information to determine the best option for her. If possible with the client there I would set up an appointment and write all the information down for the client.

There are three reasons that a referral may fail. First is that the case manager has identified the problem but is unable to understand the clients feelings about the problem (Woodside & McClam, 2018). Second is that the case manager may lack knowledge on the resources available and may refer client to a resource that is not beneficial to the client. Lastly is that the case manager may misjudge the clients ability to actually follow through with going to meet with the referral. There are ways that these failures can be avoided. First is to fully assess the clients capabilities. Then the case manager needs to know what their exact role is when making referrals.

Woodside, M. and McClam, T. (2018). Generalist case management: A method of human service delivery (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.


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1. Fill Order Form
2. Make payment
3. Writing process
4. Download paper

Fill in the order form and submit all your files, including instructions, rubrics, and other information given to you by your instructor.

Once you complete filling the forms, complete your payment. We will get the order and assign it to a writer.

When your order is completed, it’s assigned to an editor for approval. The editor approves the order.

Once approved, we will upload the order to your account for you to download.  You can rate your writer or give your customer review.

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