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Child Labor in Kenya.

Child Labor in Kenya.


Child Labor in Kenya: Child labor remains a significant concern in Kenya despite various efforts to combat it. Children, particularly in rural areas, often engage in agricultural work, domestic labor, and informal sectors. They are deprived of their right to education and exposed to hazardous conditions. For example, in the agricultural sector, children are involved in tasks like weeding, planting, and harvesting crops on family farms. These children work long hours, often in strenuous conditions, adversely affecting their physical and psychological development.

In 2021, the International Labor Organization (ILO) reported that Kenya had made progress in addressing child labor, but the problem persisted, with an estimated 1.7 million children engaged in child labor. This includes both hazardous and non-hazardous work. The Kenyan government has taken steps to address child labor through legislation and policies, but enforcement and monitoring remain challenging, especially in rural areas.

Sweatshops in Nigeria: Nigeria also faces issues related to sweatshops, particularly in the informal garment and textile industry. Sweatshops are characterized by poor working conditions, low wages, long working hours, and a lack of workers’ rights. In Nigeria’s informal textile sector, many workers, including women and children, work in unregulated and unsafe environments, often for meager pay.

One notable example is the informal clothing and garment industry in Lagos. Workers in this sector are often exposed to harsh conditions, including inadequate ventilation, poor lighting, and a lack of safety equipment. They work long hours to meet production targets and receive low wages. Despite significantly contributing to Nigeria’s economy, this sector is rife with exploitative practices.

While Nigeria has labor laws to protect workers, enforcement remains a challenge due to the informal nature of many sweatshops. Additionally, corruption and weak government oversight contribute to the persistence of sweatshop conditions in the country.


  1. International Labor Organization. (2021). Global Estimates of Child Labour: Results and Trends, 2012-2020. Retrieved from https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_797343.pdf
  2. Global Slavery Index. (2018). Nigeria. Retrieved from https://www.globalslaveryindex.org/2018/findings/country-studies/nigeria/
  3. Human Rights Watch. (2021). Nigeria: Workers’ Rights Abuses in Informal Garment and Textile Manufacturing. Retrieved from https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/02/09/nigeria-workers-rights-abuses-informal-garment-and-textile-manufacturing

Child Labor in Kenya.



“Rocky Road.” Please respond to the following:

Some  of the most serious abuses taking place in developing countries deal  with child labor, human slavery, sweatshops, bad governance, and  environmental degradation. From the two developing countries that you  have selected for the Week 9 Assignment, examine in detail the extent to which at least two (2) of these five (5) issues are occurring. Support your response with specific examples AND References.



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