California College-San Diego Apple Inc Marketing Plan and Presentation
Company Identification
- Name of Company: [Insert Company Name]
Company Mission Statement
- Company Mission Statement: [Insert Company Mission Statement]
Company Information
- Year Founded/Established: [Insert Year]
- Position in the Current Marketplace: [Insert Company’s Position]
Current Products
- Number of Product Categories: [Insert Number]
- Number of Products currently on the market: [Insert Number]
Product Proposal
- Will your product be a new product or a current product with a new feature?
- New Product
- Current Product with New Feature
Product Description
- Describe Product: [Insert Product Description]
- Product Features: [Insert Product Features]
- What will your product deliver? [Insert Benefits and Value Proposition]
- Is the Product:
- Tangible (a physical product)
- Intangible (a non-physical product, a service/idea)
Target Market
- Describe the users for your proposed product.
- Demographics:
- Age: [Insert Age Range]
- Household Income: [Insert Income Range]
- Education Level: [Insert Education Level]
- Marital Status: [Insert Marital Status]
- Psychographics:
- Lifestyle: [Insert Lifestyle Characteristics]
- Hobbies: [Insert Hobbies]
- Beliefs: [Insert Beliefs]
- Customs: [Insert Customs]
- Demographics:
This section sets the foundation for your marketing plan by identifying the company, its mission, and basic information about the current product portfolio and the proposed product. You can now use this information as a basis for the subsequent parts of your marketing plan, such as marketing objectives, positioning strategy, pricing, distribution, promotion, and implementation.
Develop a marketing plan for a new product to be launched by an existing company.
A new product may be either:
1. One that has never existed before
2. One that exists but has been improved through an added feature
3. One that exists but will be marketed to an entirely new market. ( ie a National product expanding into an International marketplace.)
Can your product be one that is developed by you?
YES. But you must use and existing company to channel your marketing efforts.( ie you may have a new razor blade – you may choose the Gillette company to incorporate it into their product categories and channel the marketing through them.)
Weekly Project Assignments
Each week you will prepare a segment of your marketing plan through written pre-planned outlines.
The outlines will include:
1. Company Identification
2. Company Mission Statement
3. Company SWOT.
4. Product Identification
5. Marketing Objective
6. Positioning Strategy
7. Target Market
8. Pricing
9. Distribution
10. Promotion
11. Implementation
12. Marketing Mix
PowerPoint must include the following pages:
1. Cover Page : Course Identification, Your name, Company Identification
2. Executive Summary: Identifies the market opportunities and new product objectives.
3. Company Mission Statement
4. Company SWOT.
5. Product Identification
6. Marketing Objective
7. Positioning Strategy
8. Target Market
9. Pricing
10. Distribution
11. Promotion
12. Implementation
13. Marketing Mix
14. References
I need this part done in a few hours
1.Name of Company: ________________________________________________
2. Company Mission Statement: _______________________________________
3.Year Founded/Established: ___________
4.Position in the Current Marketplace: ____________
5.Current Products : ( products produced by a company are also known as the SBUs – strategic business units- )
# of Product Categories: _____________
# of Products currently on the market: ___________
6. Product Proposal: Will your product be a new product or a current product with a new feature?
Describe Product: ___________________________________________________________ Product Features: ___________________________________________________________ What will your product deliver? _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Is the Product : _______Tangible ( a physical product )
_______Intangible ( a non-physical product a service/idea )
7. Target Market : Describe the users for your proposed product.
Demographics: ( Age, HH income, Education level, Single/ Married/ Family) _____________
Psychographics: ( Lifestyle /Hobbies / Beliefs /Customs )