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Answer all questions based on material in the reading by Roy Armes from page 1-49

Answer all questions based on material in the reading by Roy Armes from page 1-49


  1. Time for Film to Reach Major Cities: The spread of film to major cities in Asia, Latin America, and North Africa after its first showings in Paris, London, and New York would have varied, but it typically took several years or even a decade or more for film to become widely available in these regions. The exact timeline would depend on factors like technological advancements, distribution networks, and local interest.
  2. History of Film Production and Exhibition in the West vs. Third World: The history of film production and exhibition in the West and the Third World may have similarities because of the global influence of Western cinema and the colonial legacy. Western film industries often had a dominant presence in the Third World, shaping film practices and content.
  3. Origin of the Term “Third World”: The term “Third World” is often traced back to the Bandung Conference held in 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia. This conference brought together nations from Asia and Africa that were not aligned with either the Western bloc (First World) or the Eastern bloc (Second World) during the Cold War.
  4. Categorization Problems with “Third World” Films: The term “Third World” is problematic for categorizing films from diverse regions like Mali, Brazil, India, and Ouagadougou because it oversimplifies and homogenizes these regions, ignoring their unique cultural and cinematic characteristics.
  5. Factors Defining Third World Filmmaking: Factors defining Third World filmmaking include colonial legacies, limited resources, political and social contexts, the influence of Western cinema, and the struggle for representation and cultural identity.
  6. Height of European Power: European nations reached the height of their power during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, roughly from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s.
  7. Percentage of World Dominated by European Powers: At the height of their power, European powers dominated a significant portion of the world, including large parts of Africa, Asia, and various colonies across the globe. The exact percentage would vary depending on the specific time and region.
  8. Origin of “Third World” Notion: The notion of the “Third World” came into being in the context of decolonization and the Cold War when countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America sought to assert their independence and position themselves outside of the Western and Eastern power blocs.
  9. Decade of “Third World” Notion’s Momentum: The notion of the “Third World” gained momentum and currency primarily in the 1950s and 1960s as decolonization movements and independence struggles intensified.
  10. African Economies Compared to First World: Pierre Jalee likely refers to the economic disparities between African countries and those in the First World, emphasizing the challenges faced by African economies in terms of development, infrastructure, and industrialization.
  11. Legitimacy of the Colonizer: Roy Armes might argue that the legitimacy of the colonizer in a colony is ensured through various means, including the imposition of language, education systems, and cultural dominance that reinforce the colonizer’s authority.
  12. Factors of Colonized Identity: The identity of the colonized depends on factors such as language, culture, historical narratives, and their relationship with the colonizer.
  13. Language Imposed by Colonizer: The colonizer often imposed their own language on the colonized, replacing or marginalizing indigenous languages.
  14. Another Area for Imposed Language: Besides commerce and law, the language of the colonizer might also be imposed in education and administration.
  15. Importance of Language to Colonized People: According to Albert Memmi, the language of the colonized is important to them because it represents a key aspect of their cultural and national identity. It is a means of preserving their heritage and asserting their existence.
  16. Effect of Colonial Education on Perception of National History: Colonial education often distorts the perception of national history among colonized school children, emphasizing the colonizer’s perspective and diminishing the importance of indigenous history.
  17. Effect of Colonial Education on Self-Perception: Colonial education can lead colonized people to perceive themselves as inferior or as subordinates to the colonizers.
  18. Term for Feelings of Inferiority: The term that describes the feelings of colonized people who feel inferior compared to the colonizer is often referred to as “colonial mentality” or “internalized colonialism.”
  19. Factors for Persistence of Colonial Problems: According to Roy Armes, the persistence of problems of language, culture, and identity manufactured by colonialism is due to economic relations that favor the former colonial powers and the structures of the colonial state that continue to influence post-independence societies.
  20. Taxation Under Colonialism: Taxation under colonialism often triggered economic exploitation and social inequality in colonized countries, as the revenue extracted from the colonized populations was often used to benefit the colonial powers.
  21. Aspects of Colonial State Apparatus: Two aspects of the colonial state apparatus that distinguish it from other forms of social organization are its hierarchical and authoritarian structure and its role in enforcing colonial policies and control.
  22. Isolation of Tribal Chiefs: Tribal chiefs in the Third World were often isolated from the mass population through preferential treatment, economic incentives, and alliances with the colonial state, making them dependent on the colonial authorities.
  23. French Policy of Assimilation: The French policy of Assimilation in their colonies involved efforts to fully integrate the colonized population into French culture, institutions, and language. It aimed to make the colonies indistinguishable from France itself.
  24. Choice Between Independence and Association with France: Leaders like Leopold Senghor and other nationalist movements in West Africa generally chose to pursue a path of total independence from France rather than continued association. They sought full sovereignty for their countries.

Please note that specific page references and detailed information from the book “Third World Film Making and the West” by Roy Armes would require access to the book itself.

Answer all questions based on material in the reading by Roy Armes from page 1-49



Roy Armes. 1987. Third World Film Making and the West. Los Angeles: University of California Press.   


How long did it take for film to reach the major cities of Asia, Latin America and North Africa after the first film showings in Paris, London and New York?

Why is the history of film production and film exhibition in the West almost the same as in the Third World?

With which conference of nations, held in which year, is the term “Third World” usually traced back to?

What problems of categorization do we encounter when we use the term “Third World” to identify films produced in places such as Mali, Brazil, India or Ouagadougou?

State 5 factors that have defined Third World film making over the years.

By which year did European nations reach the height of their power?

What percentage of the world did European powers dominate at the height of their power?

Under what historical circumstances did “Third World” as a notion come into being?

  • In which decade did the notion of “Third World” gain momentum and currency?
  • According to Pierre Jalee, what do the countries and economies of Africa have in comparison with those of the countries and economies of the First World?
  • According to Roy Armes in Third World Film Making and the West, how is the legitimacy of the colonizer ensured in the colony that the colonizer has taken over?
  • State 4 factors on which the identity of the colonized depends.
  • After undermining the languages of the colonized through the education system, what language does the colonizer impose on the colonized?
  • Besides commerce and law, name another area on which the language of the colonizer is imposed?
  • According to Albert Memmi as quoted on page 11 in Roy Armes’ book Third World Film Making and the West that we are reading in this class, why is the language of the colonized people important to them?
  • According to Renato Constantino as quoted by Roy Armes on page 12 of Third World Film Making and the West, what does education administered by colonial powers do to the colonized school children perception of their national history?
  • According to Renato Constantino as quoted by Roy Armes on page 12 of Third World Film Making and the West, how did colonial education affect Filipinos in terms of how they perceived themselves in relation to the colonizers?
  • According to Renato Constantino as quoted by Roy Armes on page 12 of Third World Film Making and the West, what is the term that describes the feelings that overwhelm colonized people who feel that they are less compared to the colonizer?
  • State two factors which, according to Roy Armes in Third World Film Making and the West, are responsible for the persistence of problems of language, culture and identity manufactured by colonialism.

What processes did taxation under colonialism trigger in the colonized countries?

  • According to Roy Armes, “the persistence in post-independence societies of the problems of language, culture and identity produced by colonialism derives from factors relating to both economic relations and the nature of the colonial state.” State 2 aspects of the colonial state apparatus established during colonial rule that distinguish it from all other forms of social organization and make it central in the perpetuation of colonial of colonialist ideals.
  • List the 3 ways in which tribal chiefs in the Third World were cut off from the mass of the population and made to be dependent on the colonial state in the Third World.
  •  What did the colonial French policy of Assimilation involve or entail in French colonies?
  • What did Leopold Senghor and the leaders of other nationalist movements in West Africa do when they were asked to choose between total independence and continued association with France?
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