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AIU Application of Scripting Languages Questions

AIU Application of Scripting Languages Questions


Title: Software Deployment Plan

Course Number and Name: [Course Number and Name]

Project Name: Network Software Deployment

Student Name: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

Task 1: Software Installation:

Subtask 1: Identify Users and Departments for Application Installation

  • Description: Identify users and their respective departments to determine which software application (A, B, or C) they are eligible to install.
  • Scripting Usage: Scripting can be used to automate the process of identifying users’ departments and eligibility based on predefined criteria.
  • Scripting Language: Python can be an appropriate choice for this subtask. Python’s simplicity and ability to handle data manipulation make it suitable for this task.

Subtask 2: System Requirement Check

  • Description: Check each user’s system for minimum requirements (2 GB of memory and 250MB of free disk space) before allowing software installation.
  • Scripting Usage: Scripting can automate the system requirement check by running a script that gathers system information and compares it against the defined requirements.
  • Scripting Language: PowerShell is a suitable choice for this subtask as it provides robust system management capabilities on Windows systems.

Subtask 3: Installation and Recording

  • Description: Install the selected software applications (A, B, or C) and record successful installations in a network-based database.
  • Scripting Usage: Scripting can be used to automate the installation process and update the database with installation status.
  • Scripting Language: Batch scripting or PowerShell can be used to automate the installation process, and SQL scripts can be used to update the database.

Task 2: Software Update:

Subtask 1: Identify Users Needing Software Update

  • Description: Identify users who do not have the latest version (3.0) of Software Application D.
  • Scripting Usage: Scripting can automate the process of identifying users who need updates based on their installed software versions.
  • Scripting Language: Python can be used for this subtask, as it can parse and compare software version information.

Subtask 2: Email Notification

  • Description: Send email notifications to users in need of the update, providing them with a download link.
  • Scripting Usage: Scripting can be used to automate the email notification process, including generating personalized messages and sending them to the relevant users.
  • Scripting Language: Python or PowerShell can be used to send automated emails to users, with libraries like smtplib (Python) or Send-MailMessage (PowerShell).

Subtask 3: Update Installation and Recording

  • Description: Install the software update for users who request it and record successful updates in a network-based database.
  • Scripting Usage: Scripting can automate the update installation process and database recording.
  • Scripting Language: PowerShell can be used to automate the installation of software updates, and SQL scripts can be used to update the database.

Sample Code (Subtask 3, Task 1 – Installation):

Below is a sample PowerShell script for automating the installation of Software Application A:

# Define the installation source path
$sourcePath = "\\server\software\appA"

# Check system requirements (memory and disk space)
$memory = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalPhysicalMemory
$diskSpace = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -eq "C:" }).FreeSpace / 1MB

if ($memory -ge 2GB -and $diskSpace -ge 250MB) {
# Install Application A
Start-Process -FilePath "$sourcePath\appA_installer.exe" -ArgumentList "/silent" -Wait

# Record successful installation in the database (execute SQL query)
Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance "dbserver" -Database "deployment_db" -Query "INSERT INTO installations (user, software, date) VALUES ('$env:USERNAME', 'AppA', GETDATE())"
else {
Write-Host "System does not meet minimum requirements. Installation aborted."

Please note that this is a simplified example, and the actual implementation may vary based on your specific environment and requirements. The SQL query and database details should be customized accordingly.

This document outlines the software deployment plan, identifies subtasks, discusses scripting usage, and justifies scripting language choices for each subtask, along with providing a sample code snippet for one of the subtasks.

AIU Application of Scripting Languages Questions





Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Installation and updates of software applications can consume considerable time. Software vendors face challenges in software distribution and often turn to Internet solutions to provide their customers with readily available, easy-to-use software installations and updates. Network administrators face similar challenges within corporate network environments and can utilize many of the same techniques for software deployment.

Over the next 12 months, your company will be installing several new internally developed software applications and upgrading several others. You have been assigned the task of planning the deployment of these applications throughout the network. Your task for this project is to develop a software deployment plan with a focus on how scripting can be used to minimize the labor required to complete the deployments. The tasks you will plan for are as follows:

Provide all users on the network the ability to download and install Software Application A, Software Application B, and Software Application C, which are new, internally developed applications that have never been installed on any of the network workstation computers. Users should only be allowed to download Application A if they are in the Sales or Marketing departments, Application B if they are in Engineering or IT, or Application C for all others. Users who elect to download the software must first have their system checked to make sure it has at least 2 GB of memory and 250MB of free disk space, then successful installations must be recorded in a network-based database.

Determine which users on the network do not have the latest version (3.0) of internally developed Software Application D. E-mail users in need of the update, providing them with a download link where they can install the update. Record successful updates in a network-based database.

The project deliverables are:

Prepare a document to submit your work:

Use Microsoft Word.

Title page

Course number and name

Project name

Student name

  • Date
  • Task 1: Software installation:

Identify each subtask.

Discuss if and how scripting can be used to help complete each subtask.

Select appropriate scripting languages for subtasks that can be scripted, and justify your selection.

  • Task 2: Software update:

Identify each major subtask.

Discuss if and how scripting can be used to help complete each subtask.

  • Select appropriate scripting languages for subtasks that can be scripted, and justify your selection.
  • Provide well-documented source code for at least 1 of the subtasks for Task 1 or Task 2.
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