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Program Description:

Type of Program: The program I want to develop aims to address the issue of youth unemployment and underemployment in a specific urban area. This program will fall under the category of a mezzo-level intervention, as it will target a specific population group within the broader community.

Program Hypothesis: The hypothesis for this program is that by providing comprehensive job training, career counseling, and support services to unemployed and underemployed youth, we can improve their employability, leading to increased job placement and economic self-sufficiency.

Components of the Program:

  1. Job Training: Develop and deliver a range of vocational training programs tailored to the local job market’s demands. This includes skills such as technical training, soft skills, and job readiness workshops.
  2. Career Counseling: Provide one-on-one counseling sessions to help participants identify their career goals, create personalized career plans, and navigate the job market effectively.
  3. Mentorship: Establish mentorship programs where experienced professionals from various industries can guide and support program participants in their career development.
  4. Case Management: Assign dedicated case managers to each participant to provide ongoing support, monitor progress, and connect them with relevant resources and services.
  5. Support Services: Offer support services like childcare assistance, transportation vouchers, and mental health counseling to address barriers that may prevent youth from accessing employment opportunities.
  6. Employer Engagement: Collaborate with local businesses to create job opportunities, internships, and apprenticeships specifically for program participants.
  7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a robust system to track participants’ progress, job placements, and economic outcomes to continually refine and improve program effectiveness.

Goals and Objectives:


  • Short-Term: To equip participants with the necessary skills and support to secure stable employment or enter vocational education.
  • Intermediate-Term: To increase participants’ income and job stability over the course of one year.
  • Long-Term: To break the cycle of unemployment and underemployment among youth in the community, contributing to economic growth.

Objectives (measurable):

  1. Short-Term Objective: 80% of program participants complete vocational training within six months.
  2. Intermediate-Term Objective: 60% of program participants find full-time employment within one year.
  3. Long-Term Objective: Achieve a 15% reduction in the local youth unemployment rate within five years.

Evaluation Methods:

  • Conduct pre- and post-program assessments of participants’ skills, employability, and career goals.
  • Track participants’ job placements, income levels, and job retention rates.
  • Survey participants for feedback on program satisfaction and usefulness.
  • Compare local youth unemployment rates before and after program implementation.

Program Design (Logic Model):

[Insert Flowchart Here]


  • Funding
  • Trained staff
  • Curriculum and materials
  • Community partnerships
  • Program participants


  • Vocational training completion
  • Career plans developed
  • Mentorship relationships established
  • Support services provided
  • Job placements


  • Increased employability
  • Higher income levels
  • Reduced youth unemployment
  • Positive community impact

Evidence Base:

To ensure the program’s effectiveness, we will review and implement evidence-based practices. This involves conducting a comprehensive literature review using academic databases, government reports, and peer-reviewed studies to identify successful strategies for addressing youth unemployment. The evidence base will include multiple studies and reports that document the effectiveness of various program components such as vocational training, mentorship, and case management.

Social Policies:

Two social policies that could support this program include:

  1. Youth Employment Initiatives: Advocating for the development or enhancement of policies that provide financial incentives to businesses that hire youth from targeted populations. These policies can encourage employers to actively participate in the program.
  2. Education and Workforce Development Funding: Lobbying for increased funding and resources for vocational training and education programs at the local and state levels. This can ensure sustainable support for the program’s training component.

Potential Policy Implication: One potential implication for future policy could be the creation of a comprehensive federal or state-level youth employment program. Such a program would provide long-term funding and support for initiatives like ours, promoting economic self-sufficiency among youth nationwide.

San Jose State University Mental Health Among Hispanic Youth Discussion



5Describe in detail the type of program you want to develop to address this problem.

State your program hypothesis (Chapter 6)

Describe your level of intervention – micro, mezzo or macro?

Describe the various components of your program (e.g., counseling, case management, specific services, etc.  ( 2 pages)

6. Describe the Goals and Objectives of your program (see Chapter 7 of text and PowerPoint in Class Module 8)  and Specify the outcomes in measurable terms and describe how they could be evaluated(2 pages)

Textbook – Kettner Chap 6 & 7: Selecting Appropriate Interventions and Setting Goals & Objectives

Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R. M., & Martin, L. L. (2017). Designing and Managing Programs: An
Effectiveness-Based Approach (5 th ed.). Sage Publications, Inc

  • 7. Show your program design with a flow chart which includes the inputs, outputs, and outcomes using the Logic Model (see Logic model handouts on Canvas)(3 pages)
  • 8Describe the evidence base for the current literature for the program that you want to develop and describe the methods used to search the literature.  (2 pages) Show research evidence that documents the effectiveness of each component. This cannot be a single study only. Review the section on selecting interventions and evidence-based practice in module 8.
  • 9. Describe two social policies that would support your program and identify one potential implication for future policy as a funding source for your proposed program. (1 page)
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