100 words political science
Remove: I would repeal the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Electoral College system, detailed in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution.
Reason for Removal: The Electoral College has come under fire for giving candidates a chance to win the presidency without receiving a majority of the popular vote, which has happened a few times in American history. This strategy can potentially undermine representative democracy’s tenets by creating a gap between popular will and election results.
Enslaved people were considered three-fifths under the Three-Fifths Compromise’s morally dubious calculation of population for determinedly the seats in the House of Representatives and taxation. Eliminating this compromise would represent a dedication to justice and equality for all citizens, irrespective of race or status.
Addition: I would include a clause emphasizing campaign finance reform.
The following is the text of a proposed amendment to the Constitution regarding campaign finance reform: “Amendment [X]: Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, but shall have the power to regulate and limit the influence of money in elections and political processes, including contributions, expenditures, and advertisements, in order to ensure fair and equitable representation, prevent undue influence, and maintain the integrity of the democratic process.”
Reason for Addition: To prevent the power of money in politics from undermining the democratic values of representation and fair participation, campaign finance reform is crucial. In order to prevent an excessive concentration of political power in the hands of affluent people and corporations, this amendment aims to achieve a balance between safeguarding free speech rights and doing so.
In response to your query:
Virginia was one of the choices you indicated that want proportional representation in Congress. The Virginia Plan, which demanded proportional representation in both houses of Congress, was enacted by Virginia during the 1787 Constitutional Convention. This scheme, which favored larger states, served as a major starting point for a debate that eventually resulted in the development of the United States Constitution.
Your prize for making it through the course is that you get to take one thing out of the Constitution, and you get to add one thing to the Constitution. No Congress, no states– just you!
In your original post, list (by number) the Article and Section (or Amendment) of the Constitution you would throw out, and why. Then, add a new Amendment– what would it say, and why would you include it?
in writing the constitution which state wanted proportional representation in congress Rhode Island Virginia MarylandDeleware